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Environment and development
in coastal regions and in small islands


by T.R. Eremina and E. V. Stetsko


Opening Address. European Union-COMET: a TEMPUS/Tacis Project as a tool for the development of training and education in integrated coastal management in the Russian Federation
Part 1. International legal principles of coastal zone management
Chapter 1.1. Role of legal mechanisms in integrated coastal zone management
      Coastal legislation at stages of development: problems, approaches
Institutional systems and authorities
Chapter 1.2.  International coastal management legislation
Influence of international legislation on integrated coastal zone management
Principle features of the development of international law
      International contract law
International customary law
General legal norms recognized by the public
International responsibility for violation of environmental law
Coastal management laws in the member states of the European Union
The Netherlands
Great Britain
Coastal zone laws outside the European Union
Model Law on Sustainable Management of Coastal Zones and The European Code of Conduct
Part 2. Maritime Law
Chapter 2.1. Concept of Maritime Law: principles, rules, norms and sources of Maritime Law
National Maritime Law
International public Maritime Law
Chapter 2.2. Maritime areas and the main provisions of their legal regime
Internal waters
Territorial seas
Contiguous zone
High seas
Exclusive economic zone
Chapter 2.3. International straits and canals
Black Sea Straits
Baltic Straits
International canals
Suez Canal
Kiel Canal
Panama Canal
Chapter 2.4. Archipelagic waters and the continental shelf
Archipelagic waters
Continental shelf
Chapter 2.5. The Arctic
Part 3. Legal principles of coastal zone management in the Russian Federation
Chapter 3.1. Forming legislation on coastal zone management in the Russian Federation
Chapter 3.2. Natural resources and environmental legislation as a legal foundation for conservation and protection of coasts in the Russian Federation
Chapter 3.3. International legal obligations of the Russian Federation on harmonization of the use of natural resources and environmental protection
Convention on the protection of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea region
International convention for the prevention of pollution from ships, 1973, modified by the protocol of 1978, with amendments (MARPOL 73/78)
Convention on the prevention of marine pollution by dumping of wastes and other matter
Convention on the establishment of an international fund for compensation for oil pollution damage of 1992
International convention relating to intervention on the high seas in cases of oil pollution casualties
Convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context
Basel convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal
Convention on wetlands of international importance especially as waterfowl habitat
Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora



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