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Environment and development
in coastal regions and in small islands

A place for indigenous people in protected areas, Surin Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand

This project was formally known as A place for people in protected areas - the indigenous Moken and park authorities along the Andaman Sea coast (Surin Islands, Thailand)’.



Field Project Assessment (March '01)

Extension of Andaman Sea Project July '03
Indigenous People in Parks: Raising Awareness '03
Tarutao Ends the Legend of Chao Lay of the Andaman Sea (in English and Thai), article published in local newspaper, June '03

Articles related to the report on "Superior Underwater Vision in a Human Population of Sea Gypsies" by Anna Gislén et al., May '03

WP Forum: Indigenous People in Parks: Raising Awareness. February '03 English Français Español
WP Forum: The plight of sea-nomads in the Andaman Sea, Thailand. February '03 English Français Español
Wise Coastal Practices, ASEAN's Small Islands Raise Their Voice January '03
Regional Workshop for the Asia-Pacific University Twinning Network 'Exploring Wise Practice Agreements', Khuraburi, Thailand, Nov. 02
Wise Coastal Practices. Towards sustainable small-island living  '01  CSI papers 9
Indigenous people and parks. The Surin Islands project '01 CSI papers 8
The indigenous Moken and park authorities along the Andaman sea coast, Thailand: recognising and encouraging wise practices  '00 English  Français
Thailand’s sea nomads    August ’00 English Français Español
WP Forum: Improving communication and preserving cultural heritage / Surin Islands-Thailand    August ’99

University Twining Networks (UNITWIN) Towards Wise Coastal Practices for Sustainable Human Development (WiCoP)
A Place for Indigenous People Living in Thailand's Andaman Sea Marine Protected Areas: Surin Islands Marine National Park and Tarutao Marine National Park

Stakeholder Research Agreement (English - Thai)

For more information see the following websites:

UNESCO Bankok Office

Andaman Pilot Project Website by Chulalongkorn University Social Research Institute

Information about Surin Islands






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Wise Practices Regions Themes