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Environment and development
in coastal regions and in small islands
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Coastal region and small island papers 11


BELMAR, H. 2001. Furthering coastal stewardship in small islands from a seven-square mile perspective: Bequia.

BULLY, A. 2001. Ethical codes of practice in various domains.

CAMBERS, G. 2001. Monitoring beach changes as an integral component of beach management. Final report of the project on ‘Institutional strengthening of beach management capabilities in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States and the Turks and Caicos Islands’.

CITES 1973. Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora.

CLARK, J. R. 1998. Coastal seas: The conservation challenge. Blackwell Sciences Ltd., 134 pp.

DE COMARMOND, A. 2001. Furthering coastal stewardship in small islands: country report – Seychelles.

ESPEUT, P. 2001. The ethical dimensions of coastal zone management: the case of the Portland Bight Protected Area, Jamaica.

GAUDI, H. 1999. Levels of government responsibility / concepts of land ownership. WiCoP forum. (with user name: csi, and password: wise)

GOLBUU, Y. 2001. Coastal stewardship in Palau.

IFLA 2000. International Federation of Landscape Architects: Code of ethics. http://www.ifla.net/iflaframxxasp?NUM=1200

JAMES, A. 2001. Coastal stewardship in Dominica.

JOSIAH, J. 2001. Communication and coastal stewardship.

OECS 2000. St George’s declaration of principles for environmental sustainability in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States. Adopted at the fourth meeting of the OECS Ministers of the Environment Policy Committee in Grenada in November 2000.

RICHARDS, L. 2001. Encouraging coastal stewardship in Nevis through the establishment of a social contract.

RIEDMILLER, S. 2000. Questioning the role of NGOs. WiCoP forum. (with user name: csi, and password: wise)

SIDS 1994. Programme of action for sustainable development of Small Island Developing States: Declaration of Barbados.

UN 1992. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. Agenda 21.

UNESCO 1962. Safeguarding of the beauty and character of landscapes and sites. UNESCO, Paris, 5 pp. http://www.icomos.org/unesco/landscapes62.html

UNESCO 2000a. Wise coastal practices for sustainable human development. Results of an intersectoral workshop, 30 November to 4 December 1998, and preliminary findings of a follow-up virtual forum. CSI info 10, UNESCO, Paris, viii + 126 pp.

UNESCO 2000b. Field project summary. Environmental, social and cultural implications of a shipbreaking  industry, Alang-Sosia, Gujarat, India.

UNESCO 2001a. Wise coastal practices: Towards sustainable small-island living. Results of a workshop on ‘Wise coastal practices for sustainable human development in small island developing states’, Apia, Samoa, 3–8 December 2000. Coastal region and small island papers 9, UNESCO, Paris, 120 pp.

UNESCO 2001b. Wise coastal practices for sustainable human development forum, Work in Progress 2. 72 pp. English, French, Spanish

UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, December 10 1948, Paris, France (see Annex VI).

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