and development in coastal regions and in small islands |
Coastal region and small island papers 12 Annex III
List of workshop participants | |
Mr BALDINI, Mario |
CAMBERS, Gillian |
CHAUDHARY, Sumanben |
Mr De
COMARMOND, Alain Ministry of Environment, Policy, Planning and Services Division, Botanical Gardens, Mont Fleuri, Mahe, SEYCHELLES. tel: +248 224 644 +248 225 672 fax: +248 322 945 e-mail: alaindeco@hotmail.com a.deco@pps.gove.sc |
Ms DOVE, Veronica Fernando |
FOLORUNSHO, Regina Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, PMB 12729, Victoria Island, Lagos, NIGERIA. tel/fax: +234 1 261 9517 e-mail: rfolorunsho@yahoo.com niomr@linkserve.com.ng |
Antonio |
JORAJURIA, Adriana ECOPLATA, Avda. Brasil 2653-55 11300 Montevideo, URUGUAY tel: +598 2 709 2550 fax: +598 2 709 6176 e-mail: ecoplata@adinet.com.uy joca@fcien.edu.uy |
Vidyut Centre for Social Studies, South Gujarat University, Udhna Magdalla Road, Surat, INDIA. tel: +91 2613 227 173/ 74 (work) +91 2613 223 998 (home) +91 982 506 4748 (mobile) fax: +91 2613 223 851 e-mail: vidyutjoshi@rediffmail.com css_surat@satyam.net.in social@bom6.vsnl.net.in |
Alioune Département de Géographie, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, BP 5005, Dakar, SENEGAL. tel: +221 864 01 04 e-mail: akane@ucad.sn |
Mark Dept. of Geography and Environmental Studies and Dept. of Agriculture, University of Zululand, SOUTH AFRICA. tel: +27 35 902 6326 e-mail: mjury@pan.uzulu.ac.za |
MacCLENAHAN, Philippe 11, rue Emmanuel Barthélémy, 13600 La Ciotat, FRANCE. tel/fax: +33 4 4271 7620 (home) +33 666 254 471 (mobile) e-mail: pmacclenahan@libertysurf.fr |
Ms MAKULUBE, Clara SEACAM (Secretariat for Eastern African Coastal Area Management), 874, Av. Amilcar Cabral, CP 4220, Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE. tel: +258 1 300 641/2 (home) +258 82 451 201 (mobile) fax: +258 1 300 638 e-mail: seacam@virconn.com cnmakulube@yahoo.co.uk |
Mr NHACA, Paolo IDPPE (Institute for Development of Small Scale Fishers), Ave. Marginal, Parcela 141/8, Costo Do Sol, Caixa Postal 2473, Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE. |
Ben UNESCO Pretoria Office, PO Box 11667, Tramshed 0126, Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA. tel: +27 12 338 5183 +27 82 475 7086 (mobile) fax: +27 12 338 5342 e-mail: bntim@un.org.za |
PULINA (Poulia), Alanda Department of Slitere Coastal National Park, Dakterlejas 3, Dundaga, LV 3270, LATVIA. tel: +371 32 32 81066 fax: +371 32 32 81067 e-mail: alanda@dundaga.lv |
RIEDMILLER, Sibylle Chumbe Island Coral Park Ltd., PO Box 3203, Zanzibar, TANZANIA. tel/fax: +255 24 223 1040 +255 27 264 3557 (direct) e-mail: sibylle@twiga.com |
Trevor UNESCO Nairobi Office, UNON Complex, Gigiri, PO Box 30592, Nairobi, KENYA. tel: +254 2 622 364 fax: +254 2 622 750 e-mail: trevor.sankey@unesco.unon.org |
SHILIN, Mikhail |
Mr TAUACALE, Francisco Department of Geography, Eduardo Mondlane University, PO Box 257, Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE. tel: +258 82 322 644 (mobile) fax: +258 1 490 890 e-mail: Guale@nambu.uem.mz |
TROOST, Dirk Coastal Regions and Small Islands, UNESCO-CSI, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, FRANCE. tel: +33 1 4568 3971 fax: +33 1 4568 5808 e-mail: d.troost@unesco.org |
Gian Paolo University of Udine, Dipartimento di Produzione Vegetale e Tecnologia Agraria, via delle Scienze, 208, 33100, Udine, ITALY. tel: +39 043 255 8620 fax: +39 043 255 8603 e-mail: vannozzi@hydrus.cc.uniud.it |
at the Open Day 22 November 2001 |
Mr BANSE, Jorge |
FALCAO, Riu M. M. Department of Social Development, IDPPE (Institute for Development of Small Scale Fishers), Av. Marginal Parcela 141/8, Caixa Postal No. 2473, Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE. tel: +258 1 490 604 / 490 807 / 494 977 fax: +258 1 498 812 e-mail: rui@idppe.co.za |
Mr JOHNSTON, Gareth Department of Social Development, IDPPE (Institute for Development of Small Scale Fishers), Av. Marginal Parcela 141/8, Caixa Postal No. 2473, Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE. tel: +258 1 490 604 / 490 807 / 494 977 fax: +258 1 498 812 e-mail: johnston@idppe.co.za |
Ms LOUREIRO, Narcisa Fisheries Research Institute, PO Box 4603, Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE. tel: +258 1 490 536 e-mail: naricisa@iip.co.mz |
Ms MOTTA, Helena Co-ordinator, WWF, Rua Reinaldo Ferreira, no 72, PO Box 4560, Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE. tel: +258 1 301 186 fax: +258 1 312 430 e-mail: hmotta@wwf.org.mz |
Mr SOUSA, Manuel |
Mr VOABIL, Custodio C. Co-ordinator, SEACAM (Secretariat for Eastern African Coastal Area Management), 874, Av. Amilcar Cabral, CP 4220, Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE. tel: +258 1 300 641/2 fax: +258 1 300 638 e-mail: ccvoabil@virconn.com seacam@virconn.com website: www.seacam.mz |
Administrative staff | |
Ms GRACA CUAMBA, Patricia |
Ms MARKS, Bronwen |
Mr SANTOS, Bibiano Officer-in-charge, UNESCO Maputo Office, 515 Av. Frederick Engels, PO Box 1397, Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE. tel: +258 1 493 434 / 494 503 / 494 450 fax: +258 1 493 431 e-mail: b.santos@unesco.org |
Ms DA SILVA, Ofélia Assistant of the Representative, UNESCO Maputo Office, 515 Av. Frederick Engels, PO Box 1397, Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE. tel: +258 1 493 434 / 494 503 / 494 450 fax: +258 1 493 431 e-mail: o.da-silva@unesco.org |