Environment and development in coastal regions and in small islands |
Coastal region and small island papers 5
Preface |
A major underlying theme running across the wide-ranging scale of this Organization’s programmes is education. Indeed, it is the initial domain encountered in the name: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. UNESCO seeks, at every opportunity, to fulfil its mandate of contributing to the achievement of a better informed world society. The building blocks for such an endeavour should be laid in the minds of youth around the globe.
It is with particular pleasure that the Organization’s intersectoral platform on Environment and Development in Coastal Regions and in Small Islands (CSI) provides an avenue for the dissemination of useful basic literature such as the present delightful booklet, which has been carefully designed to enlighten youth and the general public regarding the marvels of, and menaces to, the coastal marine environment and its resources in the Caribbean region.
We greatly appreciate the collaboration of our colleagues in the Associated Schools Caribbean Sea Project and the educational community working with them in the preparation of this booklet. It is hoped that this material will be of benefit not only to Caribbean schools, but that it might also interest a much wider readership.