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Environment and development
in coastal regions and in small islands
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Coastal region and small island papers 9

Table of contents

Workshop objectives
Workshop programme
Workshop participants
Procedures for project assessment/evaluation
Interlinking project activities
CSI contribution to the UNESCO Medium-Term Strategy (2002–2007)
Opening ceremony
Concluding remarks
Annex 1 – Workshop programme
Annex 2 – List of workshop participants
Annex 3 – List of CSI pilot projects and university chairs
Annex 4 – Wise practice characteristics as an evaluation tool
Annex 5 – Feature address, Reverend Lotu Uele
Annex 6 – Further information on CSI and non-CSI activities
Annex 6.1 – Sustainable livelihoods for artisanal fishers through stakeholder co-management in the Portland Bight Protected Area, Jamaica
Annex 6.2 – Caribbean Coastal Marine Productivity program (CARICOMP): sustaining coastal biodiversity benefits and ecosystem services
Annex 6.3 – Enhancing coastal and fisheries resource management through stakeholder participation, local knowledge and environmental education, Arcadins coast, Haiti
Annex 6.4 – Planning for people and human settlements, southern coastal area of Havana Province, Cuba
Annex 6.5 – Managing beach resources and planning for coastline change, Caribbean islands
Annex 6.6 – Education for sustainable village living, Saanapu and Sataoa villages, Upolu Island, Samoa
Annex 6.7 – Sound development in the Motu Koitabu urban villages, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Annex 6.8 – Palau perspective on wise coastal practices
Annex 6.9 – Coastal resources management and ecotourism: an intersectoral approach to localizing sustainable development, Ulugan Bay, Palawan, Philippines
Annex 6.10 – UNESCO Chair in integrated coastal management for sustainable development in coastal regions and in small islands, University of the Philippines
Annex 6.11 – Promotion of indigenous wise practices: medicinal knowledge and freshwater fish, Moripi Cultural Area, Gulf Province; food security, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea
Annex 6.12 – UNESCO Chair in wise and locally relevant approaches towards the management of coastal regions and small islands, University of Papua New Guinea
Annex 6.13 – UNITWIN Agreement
Annex 6.14 – A place for indigenous people in protected areas, Surin Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand
Annex 6.15 – Mauritius perspective on wise coastal practices
Annex 6.16 – Seychelles perspective on wise coastal practices
Annex 6.17 –  Maldives perspective on wise coastal practices
Annex 6.18 – Coastal fisheries extension project, Samoa
Annex 6.19 – The next form of the UNESCO CSI platform
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