Environment and development in coastal regions and in small islands |
Regional Workshop for the Asia-Pacific University Twinning Network ‘Exploring Wise Practice Agreements’
Agreement concerning the establishment of a UNITWIN co-operation programme between The United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and
the ‘Wise
Coastal Practices for Sustainable Human Development’ (WiCoP) Network Drafted by: November 2000 |
The Network on ‘Wise Coastal Practices for Sustainable Human Development’
(hereinafter referred to as ‘the Network’) composed of:
members of the Network represented by the
President of the University of the Philippines and the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (hereinafter referred to as
‘UNESCO’), 7 place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris, France, represented by its
Director-General, Mr Koïchiro Matsuura,
Considering that
one of the essential factors favouring development in the fields of competence
is the exchange of experience and knowledge between universities;
Convinced that
joint work by university teachers, researchers and administrators from different
regions across the world will benefit the entire academic community;
Recognizing that
sustainable human development can only be achieved through integrated efforts
that bridge boundaries between disciplines, societal sectors and between
local/indigenous and scientific knowledge;
Bearing in mind the
mission and the objectives of UNESCO
set forth in its Constitution and the role of UNESCO
in promoting interuniversity co-operation on an international scale;
Taking into account the
experience of the international UNITWIN/UNESCO
Chairs Programme as a stimulus to the rapid transfer of knowledge through
twinning, networking and other linking arrangements.
Have agreed as follows:
1- Purpose
and the Network will create a UNESCO/‘Wise
Coastal Practices for Sustainable Human Development’ Co-operation Programme
(hereinafter referred to as ‘the Co-operation Programme’) in the framework
Chairs Programme.
2- Main objectives
The principal objectives of the Co-operation
Programme are to:
establishing truly intersectoral pilot projects
facilitating links between local, regional and global levels,
harmonization between top-down and bottom-up approaches, and
complementarity among societal domains
providing scientific-technological and socio-cultural support to the
pilot projects
enhancing interdisciplinary research, education and training and the use
of new information and communication technologies
strengthening local and indigenous knowledge systems and facilitating,
where applicable, their equitable articulation with
scientific-technological knowledge
developing methods for evaluating and applying wise coastal practices for
sustainable human development;
recognizing higher-education qualifications;
developing guidelines and protocols towards the prevention of potential,
and resolution of existing conflicts over coastal resources and values.
3- Fields and disciplines
The Co-operation Programme focuses upon the
interface between Environment and Society. The principle domains are:
scientific-technical, socio-cultural and education-communication. The
disciplines concerned are environmental sciences, social and human sciences,
cultural heritage, management, law and economics as applicable to coastal region
and small-island issues.
4- Phasing of the
establishment of the Co-operation Programme
4.1. The
official date of launch is proposed to be February 2000.
4.2. The
development of the Co-operation Programme will comprise two phases:
5- Contribution of each
5.1. Each
party shall appoint its own principal contacts for the Co-operation Programme
and duly notify the other.
Whenever possible, UNESCO
shall provide a ‘seed-money’ contribution. Any financial contribution shall
be the subject of a written agreement. UNESCO
will collaborate with the network in raising extra-budgetary funds in order to
contribute to the smooth functioning of the Co-operation Programme.
5.3. The
Network shall submit an annual report to UNESCO
presenting and evaluating the activities carried out by the Network. If
approved, UNESCO
will distribute the report to the world academic community. UNESCO
shall ensure the international dissemination of information on the experience
and potential benefits of the activities of the Network at the regional and
international levels. The Network shall provide a detailed financial report
indicating support obtained for the Co-operation Programme from different
shall take the necessary steps to facilitate the participation of the Network in
its programmes and activities with a view to promoting international academic
co-operation in the field of ‘Integrated Management and Sustainable
Development in Coastal Regions and in Small Islands’. Whenever possible, UNESCO
shall also promote the exchange of information and documentation, and of
professors, researchers, and students associated with the Network within the
framework of the UNITWIN/UNESCO
Chairs Programme.
6- Regular consultations
Regular consultations between the Network
members will be carried out using means available at the various institutions.
7- Other provisions
Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Network shall assume all expenses
linked to the execution of Co-operation Programme activities.
Neither the Network nor any member of its staff employed for the execution of
Co-operation Programme activities shall be considered an agent, representative
or member of UNESCO’s
staff, nor shall they enjoy any benefit, immunity, remuneration or reimbursement
if not clearly foreseen in this Agreement; moreover, they shall not be
authorized to present themselves as being part of UNESCO,
nor make statements on UNESCO’s
behalf, nor commit UNESCO
to any expense of any nature or to any other obligation.
7.3. The
Network shall be entirely responsible for taking any measures it deems necessary
to insure itself against loss, injury or damage incurred during the execution of
these activities.
7.4. The
present Agreement shall enter into force upon its signature and will stay in
force for a period of four (4) years on the date of all signatures having been
appended. It may be terminated by either party subject to sixty (60) days’
written notice to the other party.
7.5. Any
renewal of the present Agreement shall be effected by an exchange of letters
between the parties.
7.6. In
the event of a disagreement, the parties shall make an effort in good faith to
settle it amicably. In the event that a settlement cannot be reached, any
dispute arising out of, or relating to, this Agreement shall be settled by a
sole arbitrator appointed by mutual agreement, or failing this, by the President
of the International Court of Justice at the request of either party.