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'We, the youth of Small Island Developing States, came to Mauritius in 2005, we shared our ideas, and we committed ourselves to take action to assist in the sustainable development of our island homes'

WHAT is Youth Visioning?

Youth Visioning seeks to empower young people in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to take action for sustainable living and development, and by doing so encourage locally-based development of new skills and opportunities.

Three phases made up Youth Visioning's initial activities, which ran from January 2004 to March 2008:

  1. Preparatory activities (January - Dec 2004);
  2. Meeting for youth representatives in Mauritius parallel to the main governmental UN meeting in Mauritius (7-12 January 2005) ; and
  3. Youth project implementation (2005-08).

By the end of March 2008 thirty-five micro-projects led by youth for youth in the Caribbean, Pacific and AIMS (Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean and South China Sea) regions had been implemented.

During the four years of developing the initiative, there have been varying challenges but for the most part outcomes have been positive. A solid foundation has been built where there is now a recognised platform where young people from SIDS have access to a source of information and tools that can assist them in implementing grassroots projects. There now exists an opportunity to extend the network and further increase awareness of the initiative to create a larger impact.

For more information about the activities and results during the period 2004-08, download the Final Report [PDF 1.4Kb].

More information:

WHAT is Youth Visioning?
OBJECTIVES of Youth Visioning
HOW did Youth Visioning start?
STARTING your own Youth Visioning project

Youth Visioning Progress Reports (Phase 3)
Oct-Mar 2008 [PDF 1.4 MB]
Jan-Sep 2007 [PDF 1.2 MB]
Jul-Dec 2006 [PDF 712 KB]
Jan-Jun 2006
[PDF 1 MB]

Youth Visioning Report: Phases 1 & 2 (Jan 2004-Jan 2005)
[PDF 730KB]






Open the YV brochure
Youth Visioning

This page last updated: 9 October 2008