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Youth Visioning
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HOW did Youth Visioning start?

Small islands, big stakes. The unique and diverse challenges facing small island states, combined with their vulnerability, have prompted special action from the world community.

In 1994 the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), held in Barbados, set out a specific Programme of Action. In January 2005 governments, civil society and youth representatives met in Mauritius to evaluate progress and chart a way forward.

As islands with different affiliations began to prepare for the review of their Programme of Action during the two-year period 2003-2004, it became increasingly apparent that the review process had to encompass the entire spectrum of island society, from the very young to the very old, and from organized to unorganized groups.

While other organizations led the way in the consultations among governments and civil society, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research in Mauritius, the host SIDS country for the review meeting, posed the question to a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) representative in July 2003 'How are youth to be involved in this process?'

This was the catalyst for UNESCO, through its cross cutting project, Small Islands Voice, and in association with their Bureau of Strategic Planning Youth Section, to start a process that has become known as Youth Visioning for Island Living.

A project document was prepared during the second half of 2003 and circulated among national, regional and inter-regional organizations. The document basically outlined three phases: a preparatory phase, a meeting for youth representatives in Mauritius parallel to the main governmental meeting, and a follow-up phase during which youth would undertake project implementation.

The follow-up has always been seen by all partners as the most important phase, and will provide an indication of the success of the overall activity.


More information:

WHAT is Youth Visioning?
OBJECTIVES of Youth Visioning
HOW did Youth Visioning start?
STARTING your own Youth Visioning project

Global network for Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

Barbados Programme of Action 1994
Conference documents and reports from Barbados 1994

UNESCO's contribution to the Mauritius Meeting 2005
Small Islands Voice programme
Youth Section of UNESCO

Youth Visioning Report: Phases 1 & 2 (Jan 2004-Jan 2005)
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Youth Visioning

This page last updated: 2 octubre 2006