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Youth Visioning
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United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNESCO has provided us with the platform to create the Youth Visioning initiative, see below.

UNESCO's Section for Youth
UNESCO's Section for Youth aims to increase the presence and participation of youth in UNESCO bodies, events and activities, integrate youth views and priorities in programme activities and partnerships, encourage member states to develop national youth policies, and disseminate information relating to youth.

UNESCO's Coastal Regions & Small Islands Platform
UNESCO's Coastal Regions & Small Islands Platform promotes sustainable development in small islands and coastal regions. It initiated and manages Small Islands Voice, which has a strong young islanders component.

UNESCO Field Offices and National Commissions in Africa, Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific regions
UNESCO Field Offices ensure that UNESCO designs and implements programmes that, although global in scope, are adapted to the needs and specific circumstances of Member States. The UNESCO National Commissions are national cooperating bodies set up by the Member States for the purpose of associating their governmental and non-governmental bodies with the work of the Organization.

If your organisation is interested in collaborating with Youth Visioning for Island Living, please write to us at m.tran@unesco.org







This page last updated: 9 October 2008