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Project Proposal Format

In order for us to consider your project we need to receive an itemized budget and a project proposal. Download a blank template.

Title Title of project
Origin Organization proposing the project
Beneficiaries Name the groups who will benefit from the project
Partners Lead organization Which organization will take the lead in implementation of the project. NOTE: This should not be UNESCO
  Youth organizations Which youth organizations(s) will be involved in implementation
  Other organizations Which other organization(s) will be involved in implementation
Duration Time period for implementation; also indicate timeframe for any proposed phases
Budget List the items that you will need to spend money on in order to complete your project along with an approximate cost for each. Don't forget to indicate the currency as well as any other funding sources you already y have for the project.

Indicate which theme project addresses:

  • Life and love in islands - island lifestyles and culture
  • My island home - safeguarding island environments
  • Money in my pocket - economic and employment opportunities
Priority Issue Indicate which thematic priority issue the project will address
Goal Indicate the wider, long term objective that the project contributes to; this could be a positive re-statement of the priority issue, recognising that the project may not fully solve the problem, but will contribute positively and significantly to its solution
Objective(s) List the immediate aims that will be achieved at the end of the project. If these are met then the project would have contributed positively and significantly to the goal in a measurable way.
Activities Indicate the different actions that will result in the objectives being met
Action Needed Indicate the types of activities that would need to be carried out if this project is to be implemented as planned. These activities may need to be carried out before or during project implementation.

Click here for an example of a project proposal and itemized budget.


1. Getting started
2. Project proposal format
3. Funding and reporting
4. Checklist







This page last updated: 2 October 2006