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Youth Visioning
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Once we have agreed to support your project here is a checklist of what to do next:

  1. Fill out the Vendor Form that we send you with bank details for an organization that you are working with on the project. Return the completed Vendor Form to us by e-mail.
  2. Look over the terms of reference for the contract that we will send you. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns and if you agree the terms. Then we can create the contract.
  3. In the first instance, you will receive the contract by fax, please sign and date the contract in the spaces indicated and send it back to us by fax. After this (maybe a couple of weeks later) you will receive in the mail an original contract, and three copies. Sign the original and the copies (use the same date as on the faxed version), keep the original for your files, and mail back the copies.
  4. Send us a budget and work plan so that we can process your first payment. Click here to see an example of a work plan.
  5. Carry out your project and send us short updates by e-mail to let us know how everything is going. We will add these updates to your project page on the Youth Visioning website. If you experience problems or difficulties with project implementation, perhaps because of unforeseen circumstances, please let us know by email - we may be able to help you.
  6. Send us the final report, digital pictures, video footage,signed financial statement and any other material by e-mail and by courier. We will add the final report information to the Youth Visioning website.
  7. Receiving the final payment: We will review the information and check that the contract activities have been completed. Then we will process your final payment. Even though you have to send us the signed financial statement before you receive the final payment, the financial statement must show how the total budget is spent, and it must be signed.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or would like to send us your project proposal, please email m.tran@unesco.org

We look forward to hearing from you!

YV Committee


1. Getting started
2. Project proposal format
3. Funding and reporting
4. Checklist







This page last updated: 2 October 2006