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Towards Knowledge Societies

Fifth consultation meeting on WSIS Action Line C7 “Education and ICTs”: 11 May 2010, Geneva, Switzerland
11 May 2010 (16:00-17:30), ITU, Room H, Geneva, Switzerland
It has been comprehensively demonstrated that integrating ICT into education systems can increase the quality of education and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of education delivery. Use of ICT in education also offers the potential to facilitate greater access to information and services by marginalized groups and communities.

This meeting provided a forum for facilitating discussions on the work carried out in the area of ICTs and Education under Action Line C4/C7 and for fostering international cooperation. It focused on the transfer and exchange of ideas from multi-stakeholders and addressed issues of knowledge management and capacity-building.

The meeting also explored the brand new methods of learning with online social networks, web 2.0 technologies such as Facebook, YouTube University, iTunes University, learning via mobile phone, and Open Educational Resources (OERs) affect the structures of traditional education.

>> Summary report


  • H.E. José Fernando González Sánchez, Deputy Minister of Basic Education from the Ministry of Public Education, Mexico, Digital Abilities for all / Habilidades Digitales para Todos (HDT) Educative and technological program for basic schools in Mexico

  • Professor Bruck, Chairman, World Summit Award

  • Tullio Basaglia, Head of Library Services CERN, President of the Association of International Librarians and Information Specialists (AILIS) on behalf of the International Federation of Libraries (IFLA)

  • Susan Schorr, ITU, Connect a School, Connect a Community

  • Mr. Abel Caine, UNESCO, UNESCO Open Educational Resources (OER) Platform