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Towards Knowledge Societies

10 May 2010 (14:30-16:00), ITU, Room M, Geneva, Switerland
The session was organized within the framework of UNESCO’s commitment to promote women’s empowerment and gender equality globally and in its Secretariat, and goes in line with the Director-General’s decision to make gender equality one of the principal priorities of her mandate, which also reflects the Organization’s own designation of gender equality as one of its two global priorities – the other one being Africa - in its Medium-Term Strategy for 2008-2013. UNESCO is strongly engaged in pursuing this commitment through substantive programmes and concrete action in all its fields of competence. For more information about UNESCO’s action in the area of gender equality, please click here.
This session dedicated to measuring the progress made in the WSIS implementation on gender equality issues since 2005 in some of the following areas:

  • “Ensure inclusiveness and respect for human right through increased participation of women in the knowledge societies”

  • “Women’s participation in decision-making processes and in contributing to shaping all spheres of the knowledge society at international, regional and national levels”

  • “Overcome the gender divide”

  • “Opportunities for women in the knowledge societies through the development of ICTs”

  • “Access of women from developing countries to ICTs”
    and others.

  • >> Summary report from the thematic workshop on ICT and Gender


  • Women and Technology in the Digital Age - global multistakeholder collaboration for the future
    Ms Eva Fabry, Director of the European Centre for Women and Technology, Chair of the Global Women and Technology Network, Drammen, Norway

  • E-learning teaching in gender and development
    Ms Christine Verschuur, Senior Lecturer, Responsible of the Gender and Development, Programme of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland

  • Status of ICT statistics by gender
    Ms Doris Olaya, Statistician, Market Information and Statistics Division, International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland

  • If you want to change the world, become an entrepreneur
    Ms Jelena Godjevac, President and CEO of the Micro-Enterprise Acceleration Institute (MEAI), Meyrin, Switzerland