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Call for contributions: UNESCO to co-lead WSIS +10 Preparatory Process

28-06-2011 (Paris)
Call for contributions: UNESCO to co-lead WSIS +10 Preparatory Process
How would you like to see the WSIS review conducted? UNESCO calls for contributions to the online discussion taking place on UNESCO’s social networking website, WSIS Platform of Communities. Your ideas and comments will help shape an action plan towards the organization of the WSIS +10 meeting.
In its capacity of the co-chair of the UN Group on the Information Society (UNGIS), UNESCO co-organizes, in cooperation with ITU, UNDP, UNDESA and UNCTAD, a series of open consultations on the steps and modalities of the WSIS +10 review process.

Marking a starting point, a physical consultation meeting was organized on 20 May 2011, the concluding day of the recent WSIS Forum. More than 150 representatives from the WSIS stakeholder community took proactive role in the discussions.

Participants stated opposing views on the process, timing and result, some calling for WSIS-like PrepComs, others opposing exactly to that; some wanting the WSIS process to clearly end in 2015, others speaking about the period beyond 2015. All participants encouraged UNGIS to make effective use of online facilities in order to be more inclusive and due to the limited available human and financial resources. UNESCO has just launched an online discussion at the WSIS Platform of Communities (www.wsis-community.org) to increase the inclusiveness of the process.

All interested parties are called for their contribution on the WSIS +10 review, in particular on:

  • objectives, goals, possible outcomes;
  • type of meeting to be held in 2013-2014;
  • type of preparatory process to be proposed;
  • timeline.

  • The closing date for the submission of contributions is 1 September 2011. In order to maintain the quality of the WSIS Platform of Communities, a membership is required. Please send a registration request to wsiscommunity-invitation@unesco.org).

    In accordance with the WSIS outcome documents and the UN General Assembly Resolution 60/252, the Chief Executive Board (CEB) tasked, at its last meeting in Nairobi in April 2011, the UN Group on the Information Society (UNGIS) to prepare, on the basis of an open consultation, an action plan to organize a high-level meeting on the WSIS Review. The consultation will be carried out in six steps:

  • physical meeting (20 May 2011; completed);
  • online discussion at UNESCO’s WSIS Platform of Communities (15 June – 1 September 2011);
  • submission of formal contributions at www.ungis.org (by 1 September 2011);
  • elaboration of the Draft Action Plan (by 15 September 2011);
  • second physical meeting (20 September 2011);
  • presentation of the Action Plan (5 October 2011).
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