UNESCO's Mandate
UNESCO’s mandate in the field of public service broadcasting is to support and promote comprehensive action focusing on the role and functions of public service, and in so doing to take the advice of the international, regional and national professional organizations concerned and of the National Commissions .
In the past ten years, the Organization has been actively engaged in exploring more deeply the concept of public service by specifying the functions, particularly in the fields of education, science and culture, which it is meant to perform, and the means required .
Member States called upon the Organization to support public service radio and television broadcasting so that it can fulfil its cultural and educational mandate and to encourage media professionals (responsible for production, programming and creation) to study possible ways and means of reducing violence on the screen, especially in fictional programmes.
UNESCO was also requested to encourage journalists to give thought to violence in news programmes and to take steps towards reducing such violence, doing so in accordance with the codes of ethics established by the profession, and by the profession alone.
In the past ten years, the Organization has been actively engaged in exploring more deeply the concept of public service by specifying the functions, particularly in the fields of education, science and culture, which it is meant to perform, and the means required .
Member States called upon the Organization to support public service radio and television broadcasting so that it can fulfil its cultural and educational mandate and to encourage media professionals (responsible for production, programming and creation) to study possible ways and means of reducing violence on the screen, especially in fictional programmes.
UNESCO was also requested to encourage journalists to give thought to violence in news programmes and to take steps towards reducing such violence, doing so in accordance with the codes of ethics established by the profession, and by the profession alone.
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