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Communication and Information Activities

Public Service Broadcasting

Public Service Broadcasting

UNESCO's Partners
In the past ten years, UNESCO has developed a close partnership with major stakeholders in the field of public service broadcasting. The institutions that have been most active in the recent past are the following:

  1. Regional broadcasting unions such as the Asian Broadcasting Union (ABU), the Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC), the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU);

  2. The associations of broadcasters, namely the South African Broadcasting Association (SABA), the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association (CBA), the International Council of French-speaking Radio and Television (CIRTEF), the International Association of Educational and Discovery Television Companies (AITED), the International Radio and Television University (URTI);

  3. The International Public Television (INPUT);

  4. The Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD);

  5. The World Radio and TV Council (WRTVC).
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