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Multilinguisme dans le cyberespace

Language constitutes the foundation of communication and is fundamental to cultural and historical heritage.

Expert Group Meeting in 2002 : Education in a Multilingual World

A group of prominent international experts gathered together with UNESCO’s staff in the field of linguistic pluralism and multilingual education in September 2002, at UNESCO Headquarters, to discuss the Organization’s position paper “Education in a Multilingual World” and to produce proposals for the Organization’s role and programme activities in this area for the future. The group underlined the importance of language as an issue and the need to educate learners in their mother tongue.

Date du début 21-07-2002
End Date 21-07-2002
Document education in a multilingual world_eng.pdf 200838 octets (Aide pour le téléchargement)
Document ed_mothertonguedilemma_fr.pdf 450741 octets (Aide pour le téléchargement)