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Multilinguisme dans le cyberespace

Language constitutes the foundation of communication and is fundamental to cultural and historical heritage.
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Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Education / Multilingualism on the Internet

With a focus on promoting universally shared values and a culturally sensitive diversification of educational contents and methods, UNESCO is working to promote quality education as a fundamental right for all by addressing a broad range of themes, which include respect for cultural and linguistic diversity.
Ensuring equal opportunities for all in primary and secondary education, promoting lifelong learning through literacy and non-formal education, educating for sustainable development:
  • by developing orthographies for oral languages and thereby promoting the development of literary material in these languages and literacy-acquisition in them by users of these language so as to facilitate their participation in the knowledge society;
  • by developing educational resources on endangered languages and linguistic diversity both in education curricula and for global citizenship, promoting educational policies that support multilingual education.

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