National Lists |
Literature & Translation |
Welcome to UNESCO's Clearing House for Literary Translation, an initiative developed in the framework of the Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity, as well as a centre for information, guidance and encounter for all those (translators, publishers, researchers, archivists, teachers) working on the discovery and promotion of still unknown literatures.
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Focus of the Year
Treasury of Azerbaijani Language Samples of world litterature in Azerbaijani language. The website includes the first biographical e-database in the field of translation in Azebaijan. More |
Bologna Children's Book Fair The Bologna Children’s Book Fair is the most important international event dedicated to the children’s publishing and multimedia industry. More |
Transcript Welsh Literature Abroad (WLA) and Literature Across Frontiers (LAF) are delighted to be able to inform you that the most recent edition of our review is now on line. More |
Revista Casa de las Americas Casa de las Américas, es una revista de letras e ideas fundada en 1960 para difundir la cultura literaria de los países de América latina y el Caribe. More |
Page Back Page Back is a monthly literary newsletter distributed via e-mail by Next Page Foundation More |
Feuxcroisés Éditée en Suisse romande, mais ouverte sur la Suisse entière, la revue annuelle FEUXCROISÉS considère la diversité culturelle de ce pays, et notamment de sa littérature, comme une richesse, un défi et une chance. More |
Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese Bilingual Journal (Chinese/English) published twice a year. It aims at contributing to the scholarly discourse on Chinese literature written in and outside of Mainland China. More |
Marvels & Tales, Journal of Fairy Tales Studies In addition to scholarly articles, it publishes translations of historically important research, texts and translations of fairy tales and related primary documents, illustrations, critical exchanges, and reviews of recent books and other media. More |
Palimpsestes Palimpsestes is a journal devoted to the theoretical and practical problems of translating French into English, and English into French. More |
La Traductière Bi-longual (French/english) review dedicated to the art of poetry and its translation. More |
Forum International journal dedicated to research in interpretation and translation studies, co-published by the Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle (France) and the Korean Society of Conference Interpretation, KSCI (Korea). More |
Babel International Journal of Translation. More |
Translation Studies Abstracts TSA is a new initiative designed to provide a major and unique research tool, primarily for scholars of translation and interpreting. More |
Translation Review Translation Review focuses on the theoretical and critical aspects of transplanting a literary text from one culture into another. More |
Point.Com Point Com est le bulletin en ligne trimestriel de l'Association des Anciens Elèves de l'Ecole Supérieure d'Interprètes et de Traducteurs de l'Université de Paris (AAE-ESIT) More |
New books in German Online issue of new books in German, the web site which presents regular reviews of new titles particularly recommended for translation into English. More |
Transcript Transcript is a bi-monthly review of books and writing from around Europe. More |
Le Linguiste Magazine published by the Belgian Chamber of Translators, Interpreters and Philologists to uphold the interest of their profession. More |