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Academics Across Borders

University Twinning and Networking/UNITWIN

University Community and Education for All (EFA)
Brain Drain/Gain
 UNESCO Chairs and
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UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge

The Global Forum on International Quality Assurance and Accreditation
UNESCO/NGO Collective Consultation on Higher Education
Community of UNESCO Chairs for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue for mutual understanding

Brain Drain/Gain

© UNESCO/ C. Ferrand

The ‘brain drain’ has yet to be stemmed, since it continues to deprive the developing countries and those in transition, of the high-level expertise necessary to accelerate their socio-economic progress.

Efforts must be directed towards a process of ‘brain gain’ through collaboration programmes that, by virtue of their international dimension, enhance the building and strengthening of institutions and facilitate full use of endogenous capacities.


Project workshop during IST-Africa 2007 Conference
- 07-05-2007 (UNESCO) One of the workshops held during IST-Africa 2007 Conference (9-11 May 2007, Maputo, Mozambique) will focus on the UNESCO/Hewlett Packard project "Piloting Solutions for reversing brain-drain to brain gain for Africa". More

COREVIP 2007 will discuss "The African Brain Drain – Managing the Drain: Working with the Diaspora"
- A particular aim of the Conference will be to help members of the Association of African Universities to identify and develop specific, concrete activities that they can undertake to reduce the negative aspects of the “brain drain”, while taking full advantage of the pool of African talent worldwide. More

UNESCO and HP launch project to counter brain drain in Africa
November 21, 2006 - UNESCO and Hewlett-Packard have launched a joint project to help reduce brain drain in Africa by providing grid computing technology to universities in Algeria, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal and Zimbabwe. More

La fuite des compétences en Afrique francophone (French only) - 2004-
Brain drain is global and has severe consequences at regional and national levels. This study examines the phenomenon in French-speaking Africa. Numerous West-African countries are faced with significant numbers of qualified people leaving for better-paid jobs in other countries. The study explores how to turn brain drain into brain gain. -

Nairobi Communiqué - 2006-
Communiqué from the International Conference on Accreditation, Quality Assurance and Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education in Africa which was held from 6-8 February 2006 in Nairobi, Kenya. -

UNESCO & International University Cooperation
Who's who?
Launching of the Academics Across Borders Initiative (AAB)
World Forum of UNESCO Chairs
UNESCO Chairs & UNITWIN Networks in Higher Education

UNITWIN Guidelines and Procedures
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University of peace



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