Agenda |
Upcoming Events between January and April 2003
The Potential of Distance and Open Learning in the Training of Adult Educators and Grassroots Workers
involved in Literacy and Non-formal Adult Education. Organized by UIE, the University of South Africa and the Open Learning Campus, New Delhi, Pretoria, South Africa
Contact: m.singh@unesco.org
International Symposium on Rural Education Organized by the International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education (INRULED) and UNESCO Baoding, China
Contact: m.singh@unesco.org
Annual Meeting of the Collective Consultation of NGOs on EFA o Porto Alegre, Brazil
Contact: ngo.efa@unesco.org
The Practice of Rights in Education: A Renewed Commitment to Human Rights Education UNESCO Paris Contact: m.karela@unesco.org
13 International launch of the United Nations Literacy Decade coordinated by UNESCO UN Headquarters, New York,
Contact: s.aoyagi@unesco.org
6-7 Third meeting of the Board of the EFA Global Monitoring Report to take stock of the 2002 report and discuss the 2003 and 2004 editions o UNESCO Paris
Contact: u.peppler@unesco.org
7 Mediation and Youth o Organized by UNESCO and the Centre for Mediation and Training in Mediation (CMFM) UNESCO Paris Contact: a.verdiani@unesco.org
Pacific Paths o Organized by UNESCO, the CIRCM (International Centre for Conflict Resolution and Mediation) and the Canadian Delegation to UNESCO UNESCO Paris Contact:a.verdiani@unesco.org
6-13 Global EFA Week - Annual event to recall the EFA goals, take stock of the advances made in this direction, and mark the third anniversary of the World Education Forum (Dakar). (see page 9) Contact: edmedia@unesco.org