Ten years to reduce illiteracy “Literacy as Freedom” is the theme for the United Nations Literacy Decade – Education for All (2003-2012), launched in New York on 13 February. The aim is to provide new impetus for the campaign against illiteracy. The issue is a highly crucial one: according to UNESCO statistics, one out of five over the age of 15 can neither read nor write. If no action is taken, one out of six adults will be illiterate by the year 2010. >> More
Associated Schools Project Network 50th Anniversary The Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) is marking its 50th anniversary this year. Launched in 1953 to translate UNESCO’s ideals into concrete action, the network currently includes more than 6,700 educational institutions, ranging from pre-school education to teacher training, in some 166 countries. >> More
A virtual campus for the Mediterranean Basin An ambitious project involving open distance learning in fifteen countries, primarily in the Mediterranean Basin, was launched on 17 March. The Avicenna Virtual Campus has financial backing of 3.7 million Euros from the European Commission’s EUMEDIS programme and 920,000 Euros from various partners, including UNESCO, the project’s main coordinator. >> More
Excellence explained What makes outstanding schools outstanding? A recent Latin American qualitative study set out to find the answer by looking at schools with students whose parents are poor and have little or no education. >> More