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EFA - Global Monitoring Report 2003/04
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Gender and Education for All
Chapter 2 - Towards EFA: assessing
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assessing-progress.jpgThis chapter provides an assessment of global progress towards achieving the six EFA goals. It uses the most recent data on education systems for 2000, updating last year’s analysis and extending it in important respects.

Reflecting the report’s theme, the analysis gives particular attention to the gender goals and how they affect the implementation of all Dakar’s educational aims. Gender parity at primary and secondary levels is an objective for 2005, and equality throughout all education is to be achieved over the following decade. So the discussion of each of the goals adopts a gender focus wherever the data allow.

The chapter is in seven sections. After a look at trends in ECCE, three sections assess progress towards higher enrolments, quality and gender parity at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of education. Discussion of life skills and literacy programmes is then followed by some recent evidence on trends in educational quality. The final section attempts to compare the overall progress being made by different nations and regions. It focuses on how far the goals for gender parity are within reach for 2005, and introduces a new EFA Development Index to give a more aggregated comparator of national progress towards the education targets.



Executive summary HOME
Chapter     1   
Rights, equality and
Education for All
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Chapter 2   2   
Towards EFA: assessing
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  • Early childhood care and education
  • Universal primary education and the gender goals
  • Secondary education and the gender goals
  • Tertiary education and the gender goals
  • Learning programmes for life skills and literacy
  • Educational quality
  • Comparing the progress of countries towards EFA
  • Chapter   3   
    Why are girls still
    held back?
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    Chapter   4   
    Lessons from good
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    Chapter   5   
    National strategies in action
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    Chapter   6   
    Meeting our international commitments
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    Chapter   7   
    Gendered strategies for EFA
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    Statistics Regional Overviews
    Background Papers

    Acknowledgements Foreword Text Boxes


    UNESCO.ORG United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
    © 2003 - ID: 24144