Gender and Education for All
| Acknowledgements |
| This Report is wide-ranging in both subject matter and geographical coverage and draws on different disciplines and perspectives and a rich body of international expertise and research. It represents a strong collective effort, in the best spirit of Education for All.
We are indebted to Sir John Daniel, UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Education and to Abhimanyu Singh, Lead Manager in UNESCO’S Dakar Follow-up Unit, and their colleagues for their support in the compiling of this year’s Report.
The general shape of the Report benefited from the advice of the international Editorial Board and from its chairperson, Anil Bordia. More precise form was given by a small advisory group, comprising Madeleine Arnot, Geneviève Fraisse, Golnar Mehran and Nellie P. Stromquist, which met in Paris in February 2003.
The EFA Report depends greatly on the work of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and Denise Lievesley, Simon Ellis, Said Belkachla, Claude Akpabie and their colleagues contributed significantly to the Report, especially in preparation of material for the statistical tables.
Special thanks are due to all those who prepared background papers, notes and boxes for the report. These were:
Charles Paul Abani, Yasmine Adib Wahba Wahby, Joseph Ahanhanzo, Agnès Ali Boco, Madeleine Arnot, Beatrice Avalos-Bevan, Ibrahima Bah-Lalya, Barbara Bailey, Claudie Baudino, Sonia R. Bhalotra, Catherine Blaya, María Bonino, Mark Bray, Michael Brophy, Debbie Budlender, Kassaw Chekole, Linda Chisholm, Isaiah Chol Aruai, Criana Connal, Monica Dalen, Eric Débarbieux, Marcella Deluca, Luka Biong Deng, Yacouba Diagana, Galy Dibe, Robin Ellison, Peter Evans, Makhoumy Fall, Janet Fleischman, Jude Fransman, Lea Gaba-Afouda, Anne-Marie Goetz, Adriana Gorga, Mouhamadou Guèye, Julien Guingnido Gaye, Laura Guzmán Stein, Ulrike Hanemann, Renwick Irvine, Sharada Jain, Kameshwari Jandhyala, Virgilio Zacarias Juvane, Naila Kabeer, Idrissa Kabore, Doris Kakuru Muhwezi, Hamoud Abdel Wedoud Kamil, Deborah Kasente, Kamel Kateb, Maria Lourdes A. Khan, Jackie Kirk, Mamadou Kani Konaté, Marie-France Lange, Eric Lanoue, Fiona Leach, Anne Letendre Morales, Han Jia Ling, Ueantabo Neemia Mackenzie, Kathie Maher, Ould Boubout Houssein Mahfoud, Simeen Mahmud, Dixie Maluwa-Banda, Sergio Martinic, Werner Mauch, Carolyn McKinney, Kirsty McNay, Carolyn Medel-Anonuevo, Golnar Mehran, Mihaela Miroiu, Claudia Mitchell, Albert Motivans, Doris Kakuruu Muhwesi, M.V. Mukundan, Lututala Mumpasi, Karen Munday Lynn Murphy, Seraphin Ngondo a Pitshandenge, Théodore Nseka Vita, Mireya Pérez Obregón, Alice Odounfa Kouadio, Akim Okuni, Cristina Pareja Lara, Marc Pilon, Vimala Ramachandran, Shapour Rassekh, Shahra Razavi, Rebeca Reynoso Angulo, Abby Riddell, Anna Robinson-Pant, Pauline Rose, Harilyn Rousso, Menaka Roy, Stéphanie Rubi, Amanda Seel, Gao Shuguo, David Sifuentes Cortez, Sebastien da Silva-Leander, Madhu Singh, Tarjei Skirbekk, David Stephens, Nellie Stromquist, Benedicte Terryn, Zhang Tiedao, Katarina Tomasevski, Elaine Unterhalter, Sofía Valdivielso Gómez, Esther Velasco, Valerija Vendramin, Juliette Von Seibold, Duncan Wilson, Siri Wormnæs, Cream Wright.
The Report has also benefited considerably from the advice and support of individuals, Divisions and Units within UNESCO’s Education Sector, the International Institute of Educational Planning (IIEP), the International Bureau of Education (IBE) and the UNESCO Institute of Education (UIE). Both IBE and UIE managed a set of subcontracted commissions. UNESCO’s Regional Offices provided helpful advice on country-level activities.
A number of individuals also contributed valuable advice and comments, including:
Emmanuel Aldebert, Tcheko Amadou, Caroline Arnold, David Atchoarena. Adrian Bannister, Kathy Bartlett, Jonny Baxter, Julia Benn, Virginia Braustein, Barbara Bruns, Françoise Caillods, CCNGO Co-ordination Group (Carlos Zarco, Rebecca Berner, Samir Jarrar, Ulf Fredriksson, Monique Fouilhoux, Gorgui Sow, Claude Vercouter, Maria Khan), CCNGO Network, David Clarke, Paul Coustère, Alexandra Draxler, Pamela Dudzig, Kenneth Eklind, Liana Gertsch, Amaya Gillespie, Jeanne Grant, John Grazel, Ingemar Gustafsson, Harry Hagan, Jerome de Henau, Rachel Hinton, Anna-Maria Hoffman, Margareta Husen, Yoshie Kaga, Koto Kanno, Terri Kelly, Peter Laugharn, Erin Leigh, Leslie Limage, Stefan Lock, Donald Mackenzie, Nina Madsen, Violeta Malespin, Jean Claude Mantes, Catherine Marry, Jean-Yves Martin, William McCormick, Claire Mollard, John Morris, Mamadou Ndoye, Steve Passingham, Robert Prouty, Beverly Roberts, Kerstin Rosencrantz, Kenneth Ross, Margarete Sachs-Israel, Jun Sakuma, Yusuf Sayed, Vera Coelho Schattan, Bernard Schlemmer, Simon Scott, Aaron Schneider, Suzanne Schnuttgen, Dominique Simone Rychen, Soo Hyang Choi, Abdoul Sow, Kazuo Sunaga, Serge Tomasi, Felicity Townsend, Anke van Dam, Dankert Vedeler, Jeannette Vogelaar, Michael Ward, Ewa Werner Dahlin, Naoki Yokobayashi.
The production of the Report depended heavily on the editorial expertise of Caroline Lawrence. Greg Chamberlain and Wenda McNevin also provided valuable support. We would also like to acknowledge the unstinting assistance of Sonia Fernandez-Lauro in UNESCO’s Education Documentation Centre.
The analysis and policy recommendations of this Report do not necessarily reflect the views of UNESCO. The Report is an independent publication commissioned by UNESCO on behalf of the international community. It is the product of a joint effort involving members of the Report team and many other people, agencies, institutions and governments. Overall responsibility for the views and opinions expressed in the Report is taken by its Director.
The EFA Global Monitoring Report Team
Christopher Colclough
Steve Packer (Deputy Director), Simon Ellis (Head of the EFA Observatory, UIS), Jan Van Ravens, Ulrika Peppler Barry, Lene Buchert, Ramya Subrahmanian, Nicole Bella, Cynthia Guttman, Vittoria Cavicchioni, Valerie Djioze, Carlos Aggio, Mariana Cifuentes-Montoya, Pascale Pinceau, Delphine Nsengimana, Liliane Phuong, Peter Wallet.. |
