January - March 2004 |
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- Catalogue of Documents. This catalogue provides bibliographical references for over 800 documents produced by the Education Sector since 1997. The titles in English, French and Spanish are presented by theme. The documents can be obtained free of charge, depending on availability. This catalogue and a large selection of the documents in full text will be available on CD-ROM (Mac/PC) in early 2004.
(UNESCO doc. ED-2003/WS/53)
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- Good Practices: Gender Equality in Basic Education and Lifelong Learning through CLCs – Experiences from 15 Countries. This report reviews the activities carried out by selected Community Learning Centres in Asia and the Pacific as examples of good practice in the promotion of gender equality in basic and lifelong education.
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- Literacy, Gender and HIV/AIDS Series. This series focuses on gender-sensitive booklets developed at UNESCO training workshops in Namibia on HIV/AIDS prevention in southern African countries. New titles include on line:
- Dont Play with your Life,
- Breaking the Silence,
- Take Care of those you Love,
- Open Your Eyes or Be Blind Forever,
- the Wicked Healer and
- Educate a Woman, Educate a Nation.
- The Global Education Digest – Comparing Educational Statistics Across the World. This new annual digest published by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) presents detailed statistical tables from early childhood to higher education, as well as data on foreign students and on how much money governments are investing in their education systems. This edition reports data for the school years 1999/2000 and 2000/2001.
E-mail: a.motivans@unesco.org
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- Metasurvey on the Use of Technologies in Education in the Asia-Pacific Region. Launched by UNESCO Bangkok, this study provides an overview of trends in the application of ICTs in education. It shows exciting examples of how ICTs can increase the access to and improve the quality of learning experiences for girls and women, including non-formal education.
It can be downloaded at: www.unescobkk.org
- Towards Inclusive Practices in Secondary Education. It is possible to integrate all students, regardless of their disability, gender and ethnicity, into secondary education. This booklet features examples from Chile, Hungary, Nepal, South Africa, Ukraine and the United States where inclusive practices at secondary level have been implemented successfully.
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- Report of the International Symposium on Rural Education (Hebei, China, 20-23 January 2003). The objective of this symposium on the theme of rethinking education for rural transformation was to strengthen and re-invigorate education for rural development.
- Technology Education Guide. This guide is produced to help educators around the world implement technology education. It describes the purposes and goals of technology education and what it takes to start such a programme. Prepared for UNESCO by the World Council of Associations for Technology Education, the guide includes a course content outline, identifies performance objectives and suggests activities and evaluation procedures.
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- Education for Rural Development: Towards New Policy Responses. Co-ordinated and edited by David Atchoarena (UNESCO/IIEP) and Lavinia Gasperini (FAO). This book is based on the joint international study by the Food and Agriculture Organization and the UNESCO Institute for Educational Planning on education and rural development. The aim of the book is to review the status of rural education from the standpoint of public policies and to shed light on “good practice”. Available from UNESCO Publishing, 412 pages, 19,82 E.
- Improving Performance in Primary Education – A challenge to the Goals of Education for All. This 48-page document presents the findings of a meeting of Directors of Primary Education Departments from thirty-one countries (2001). It focuses on improving the pedagogy of teachers, local governance, the school as a supportive environment and monitoring primary education performance.
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- Literacy as Freedom. Literacy is indeed one of the fundamental instruments of freedom. The impetus for this volume was a desire to understand better, both in theory and in practice, what literacy as freedom means to people in different contexts, yet linked to the forces of globalization and change.
(UNESCO doc. ED-2003/WS/51)
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- Policy Research and Dialogue – Student Loans Schemes in Asia. Titles in this new series include: Student Loan Schemes in the Republic of Korea: Review and Recommendations by Anna Kim and Young Lee, Student Loans Schemes in Hong Kong by Yue Ping Chung, A Review of the Student Loans Scheme in China by Hong Shen and Wenli Li and Student Loans In Thailand: Are they Effective, Equitable, Sustainable? by Adian Ziderman.
Available from: d.altner@unescobkk.org
- Report of the Fourth Meeting of the Working Group on Education for All. This meeting in Paris in July 2003 focused on the scope and role of EFA flagships.
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Unless otherwise stated, all publications are available free of charge from UNESCO’s Documentation and Information Service, Education Sector.
E-mail: sdi@unesco.org