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EFA - Global Monitoring Report 2003/04
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Gender and Education for All

NewsNGOs meet with GMR team 2004-05-20 7:20 am
NGO Reflection Group: MC GUICHARD (AIC) MDN MEIS(AIC) Martine CASTELLAN (CIF) ; Michel DEBEAUVAIS (GRETAF), Pierre Alexandre (AFEC) ; JC GUILLEMARD (ISPA) ; Colette DURAND (OMEP) ; Rosaria LE PECHOUX (Pax Romana) ; Maria LINDQVIST (UNESCO) ; Evelyne JOHNEN (UFOMC) ; Claire HONNIGMAN (Voix de l’Enfant) ; Janine NDIAYE (Zonta International) ; Hélène GACHET (ZONTA International) ; Carolina CANO (Zonta International)
Monitoring Report Team: Christopher Colclough, Ulrika Peppler-Barry, Cynthia Guttman, Nicole Bella, Liliane Phuong, Valerie Djioze.
UNESCO: Maria YANNARAKIS ; Fabiana CHIANESE ; Florence CARRIQUE ; Maria Lindqvist (Division for Higher Education)
NewsParoles du ministre, sketch d’étudiants, Burkina Faso 2004-04-21 9:00 am
Lors de la présentation du Rapport à Ouagadougou durant la semaine de l’éducation pour tous, le ministre de l’enseignement de base et de l’alphabétisation a mis un accent particulier sur les mesures incitatives prises par son pays envers les filles et qui ont eu « des effets très positifs voire spectaculaires. »
NewsMinister highlights gender issues, Hanoi 2004-04-20 1:00 pm
Education for All Week provided the opportunity to launch the Global Monitoring Report 2003/4 in Viet Nam. During the launch ceremony, the Minister of Education and Training requested educational planners to pay heed to gender issues and to integrate them in all education activities. With support from Canadian CIDA, the World Bank and UNESCO, the Ministry of Education and Training is helping 10 pilot provinces to produce educational plans from 2006-2010.
NewsGMR launch in Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso 2004-04-19 1:00 pm
Riding on the groundswell of energy mobilized during EFA Week, UNESCO Mali organized presentations of the 2003/4 Report in Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso.
NewsDublin Development Cooperation Seminar 2004-04-02 1:31 pm
During this seminar, the national experience of Uganda complemented the presentation the Global Monitoring Report 2003/4. In opening the seminar, Tom Kitt, Minister of State at the Department for Foreign Affairs, stressed the weight which the Irish Government gives in its development policies to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
NewsCongressional Briefing in Washington 2004-04-02 1:27 pm
The Report was presented during a Congressional briefing, organized by the Basic Education Coalition, an umbrella organization that aims to raise public and private support for quality basic education. Christopher Colclough presented the Report highlights, while Joshua Muskin, president of World of Learning and Beverly Jones, senior vice president of the Academy for Educational Development provided a more grassroots approach to the subject to show benefits reaped by US tax dollars.
NewsWorld Confederation of Teachers focus on Equal Opportunities 2004-03-31 1:33 pm
The Report was presented during a global seminar organized by the World Confederation of Teachers on “Equal Opportunities: Women and Education.” Participants gathered in Brussles welcomed the Report as an important contribution to their discussions.
NewsLaunch of the French edition of the 2003/4 Global Monitoring Report, “Gender and Education for all: The Leap to Equality” 2004-03-15 2:25 pm
with French philosopher and historian Geneviève Fraisse and Serge Tomasi, deputy director general for culture and Education, French Ministry of Foreign Affaires.
NewsUNICEF’s 2003 State of the World’s Children and the Global Monitoring Report , Oslo 2004-02-17 2:00 pm
The Report were debated during the EFA Forum, “Education for All: What’s Happening to the Girls of the World?” Approximately 70 people from Norwegian ministries, universities, research institutes, NGOs, teachers and student unions participated in the event.
NewsPresentation of the Report in Windhoek, Namibia 2004-02-12 2:00 pm
Nicole Bella presented the Report in Windhoek, Namibia at the first sub-regional meting of FAPED, a pan-African Forum of African Parliamentarians for Education (FAPED). Members of parliament from six countries in the region acknowledged the Report as an important information and advocacy tool.
NewsEFA Seminar , Helsinki 2004-02-04 3:00 pm
This seminar attracted some 100 people from a spectrum of ministries, NGOs and universities. Opened by the Minister of Education and Science, it featured discussions on several aspects of the Report, including its findings, reform and aid. Finland’s EFA plan explores each of the six EFA goals in the national context while the country’s new development policy puts strong weight behind the MDGs.
NewsPresentation of the Report, Stockholm 2004-02-04 2:00 pm
The Report was presented at a one-day seminar organised by SIDA and attended by around 100 participants from SIDA, the Ministry of Education, the Swedish National Commission for UNESCO and NGOs.
NewsWorld Social Forum, Mumbai, India 2004-01-23 3:00 pm
Education was given prominent attention during the World Social Forum, held for the first time min India and featuring 1,200 seminars.
NewsThe World Economic Forum's Global Governance Initiative , Davos 2004-01-21 3:00 pm
The World Economic Forum's Global Governance Initiative monitors the international progress in implementing the social, economic and environmental goals set forth in the UN's Millennium Declaration and other documents.
NewsArab Conference of Ministers of Education on EFA, Beirut 2004-01-20 3:00 pm
Held to elaborate a joint Arab vision regarding steps to be taken to achieve the EFA goals, Arab Regional Conference of Ministers of Education on EFA attracted some 200 delegates, including six ministers.
NewsEnrolling Street Children in Mwanza (Tanzania) 2004-01-07 1:46 pm
Team member Jan van Ravens spent two weeks at the beginning of the year working with a project to enrol street-children in Mwanza district, Tanzania. His personal account, however, goes much further.
NewsLaunch of the Report, Bangkok 2003-12-15 3:35 pm
The UN Country Team, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and UNESCO Bangkok organized a national launch of the Report. The launch was presented by the Minister of Education, the UN Resident Coordinator and the director of UNESCO Bangkok.
NewsPress launch, Bonn 2003-11-11 3:00 pm
The German National Commission for UNESCO organized a press launch opened by the German Secretary of State for Cooperation and Development. The Summary Report was translated into German by BMZ, the country’s development cooperation agency.
NewsPresentation of the Report, Mauritius 2003-11-03 3:00 pm
The Report was presented during the first day of the ADEA Biennial Meeting of African Education Ministers. The region has the lowest net enrolment rate in the world, with only 58% of children of official primary school age enrolled in 2000.


Executive summary HOME
Chapter     1   
Rights, equality and
Education for All
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Chapter   2   
Towards EFA: assessing
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Chapter   3   
Why are girls still
held back?
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Chapter   4   
Lessons from good
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Chapter   5   
National strategies in action
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Chapter   6   
Meeting our international commitments
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Chapter   7   
Gendered strategies for EFA
HTML - PDF         

Statistics Regional Overviews
Background Papers

Acknowledgements Foreword Text Boxes


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