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28 June – 2 July
Workshop for EFA Coordinators from French-speaking African Countries
Organized by UNESCO, l’Agence gouvernementale de la Francophonie, and the Conference of Ministers of Education of French-speaking Countries (CONFEMEN) • Dakar, Senegal
Contacts: Benoit Sossou and Thierry Kpehor, UNESCO Dakar
E-mails: b.sossou@unesco.org and t.kpehor@unesco.org
30 June – 7 July
Meeting of the International Consultative Group on Secondary Education Reform and Youth Affairs
Organized by UNESCO, France
Contact: Sonia Bahri, UNESCO Paris
E-mail: s.bahri@unesco.org
1st Regional Research Seminar for Africa
Organized by UNESCO and the Ugandan Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology • Kampala, Uganda
Contact: Maria Linqvist, UNESCO, Paris
E-mail: m.lindqvist@unesco.org
19 and 21
First Meeting of the United Nations Literacy Decade (UNLD) International Resource Persons Team • Organized by UNESCO • Paris, France
Contact: Maria Malevri, UNESCO Paris
E-mail: m.malevri@unesco.org
The Working Group on Education for All
Organized by UNESCO Paris
Contact: Abhimanyu Singh, UNESCO Paris
E-mail: abh.singh@unesco.org
Regional Seminar on Education for Rural People in Latin America
Organized by UNESCO and FAO • Santiago, Chile
Contact: Mami Umayahara, UNESCO Santiago
E-mail: efa@unesco.cl
1st Regional Research Seminar for Latin America and the Caribbean
Organized by UNESCO and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Contact: Lamya El Amrani, UNESCO Paris
E-mail: l.el-ramrani@unesco.org
International Literacy Day
International Congress: The Challenge to Educate the Best Teachers
Organized by UNESCO, the Latin-American Network for Teacher Education and the National Pedagogical University Francisco Morazan of Honduras • Copan, Honduras
Contacts: Magaly Robalino Campos, Anton Korner and Aida Midence, UNESCO Santiago
E-mails: mrobalino@unesco.cl; akorner@unesco.cl and amidence@upnfm.edu.hn
International Conference on Education
Organized by the International Bureau of Education (IBE) • Geneva, Switzerland
Contact: Cecilia Braslavsky, IBE
E-mail: conference@ibe.unesco.org
World Teachers’ Day
Learning for Work, Citizenship and Sustainability
Organized by UNESCO with the Government of Germany • Bonn, Germany
Contact: Mohan Perera, UNESCO Paris
E-mail: m.perera@unesco.org