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Report team
Nicholas Burnett
Director of the EFA Global Monitoring Report Team
E-mail: n.burnett@unesco.org
Nicholas Burnett, an economist with extensive experience in the fields of education and human development, has been director of the Report since October 2004.
After working for the British Government Economic Service and as an economic consultant, professor and journalist, he held several positions in the World Bank from 1983 to 2000, including in the Education Group and as sector manager for human development in Africa. Holder of an undergraduate degree from Oxford, of the Henry Fellowship at Harvard and of post-graduate degrees from the John Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, he has also taken mid-career courses at the Stanford Graduate School of Education and in advanced management at Harvard Business School. Mr Burnett ran his own consulting company for the last several years, specialized in human development and strategic management. He is the author and co-author of many publications and articles in education and economics. Just before joining the GMR team he helped to establish the Roma Education Fund.
Saïd Belkachla
Programme Specialist
Email: s.belkachla@uis.unesco.org
Said is based at the UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS) where he is responsible for coordinating data on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and providing statistical data for the EFA GMR annexes. He has extensive experience as an educational planner at the Ministry of Education of Morocco in the fields of school census taking, school mapping, management and evaluation of the education system. In preparation for the World Education Forum in Dakar, in 2000, he served as a UNESCO technical coordinator for the Monitoring Learning Achievement project in Francophone Africa and Arab States.
Nicole Bella
Policy Analyst
E-mail: n.bella@unesco.org
Demographer, PhD in Demography. Chief fields of interest: education statistics/indicators collection and analysis, evaluation and analysis of population and educational policies.
Extensive experience in international technical assistance in the fields of population policies and education (Africa, Haiti and Central Asia).
Aaron Benavot
Senior Policy Analyst
Email: a.benavot@unesco.org
Aaron Benavot is a comparative sociologist who has carried out extensive research on the effects of education on economic development and democratization, the origins and expansion of mass education, and worldwide patterns of official school curricula. He has co-authored or edited four books, School knowledge for the masses (with J. Meyer and D. Kamens), Law and the shaping of public education (with D. Tyack and T. James), Global educational expansion: Historical legacies and political obstacles (with J. Resnik and J. Corrales) and School Knowledge in Comparative and Historical Perspective (with C. Braslavsky), as well as numerous articles in leading journals in educational sociology and comparative education. After completing his advanced degrees in sociology at Stanford University, he taught at the University of Georgia (USA) and then at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel). He has also carried out consultancy work for the World Bank, the International Bureau of Education and the European Union.
Lene Buchert
Senior Programme Specialist, UNESCO
E-mail: l.buchert@unesco.org
Historian and PhD in Education in Developing Countries. Extensive international research, consultancy and programme experience. Widely published particulary in the areas of education and development, and international aid policies and practices. Holder of the Kerstin Hesselgren Chair 2001-02.
Fadila Caillaud
Research Officer
Email: f.caillaud@unesco.org
Fadila Caillaud holds a Master’s degree in education and will soon complete her PhD in economics. Her research focuses on women's education, fertility behaviour and how these impact on the education of their children, with an emphasis on North Africa. She joined the team in May 2004, and since then has been working particularly on issues related to the financing of EFA and its implementation in difficult contexts. Before joining the GMR she taught mathematics at Aix-Marseille University and worked as a volunteer in Benin for Friends of the Earth.
Alison McKelvey Clayson
Communications and outreach consultant
Email: a.Clayson@unesco.org
A long-time associate of agencies involved in international development, Alison has broad experience producing books, information and outreach materials tailored to many different audiences and needs. As a UNESCO staff member she worked for UNESCO Press and also served as editor of UNESCO’s quarterly journals Nature and Resources and Museum International. Before joining the GMR she was responsible for developing the communication strategy of the UN World Water Assessment Programme and for producing the first UN World Water Development Report (WWDR), in 2003. In earlier lives she worked for the International Council of Science, the American Chamber of Commerce in France, as an advertising copywriter, trade journalist and history teacher.
Valérie Djioze
Research Officer
E-mail: v.djioze@unesco.org
Social scientist with a Research Degree (DEA) in development studies from the University of Paris I (Sorbonne). Areas of research include analysis and policies of the relations between education, training and employment in developing countries.
Previous work experience in field projects to support education sector policy planning and implementation in developing countries.
Other fields of interest and research experience include labour sociology, labour economics and labour laws.
Ana Font
Team Assistant
Email : a.font@unesco.org
Ana Font, a native Spanish speaker, holds a master’s degree in literature from the Université Catholique de Paris and a certificate in translation and interpreting from Cluny-I.S.E.I.T., a specialized institute of the same university. She is responsible for mailing lists and distribution. Prior to joining the Monitoring Report, she worked in UNESCO’s division of higher education.
Catherine Ginisty
Multimedia coordinator
Email : c.ginisty@unesco.org
Catherine Ginisty worked as a consultant and Account Manager for various agencies specialized in multimedia projects. In 1996, she went on to work several years at Canal+ where she became web editor in chief of international news.
Catherine completed a Master’s in international relations in 2002. Before joining the GMR team she was part of the education sector’s multimedia team.
Cynthia Guttman
Communications Officer
E-mail: c.guttman@unesco.org
Journalist, editor and translator.
Former working experience at the International Herald Tribune, SIPA Press, Fairchild Publications, UNESCO Sources and the UNESCO Courier. Numerous publications for UNESCO’s Education Sector.
Elizabeth Heen
Policy Analyst
E-mail: e.heen@unesco.org
Elizabeth Heen is on special leave secondment from the Technical Department of the Norwegian Agency for International Development Cooperation (Norad). Most recently she served as Advisor at the Unit for Higher Education and Research and member of the Steering Committee of the ADEA Working Group on Higher Education. She has previously worked in the area of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and holds a Ph.D. in International and Comparative Education from Stockholm University. Experience with adult education and secondary school language teaching.
Special interests: skills development, aid harmonization, holistic approaches to education.
Keith Hinchliffe
Senior Policy Analyst
Email: k.hinchliffe@unesco.org
Keith Hinchliffe joined the GMR team in September, 2005 from the World Bank where he was a lead economist in the Africa Human Development Department. For over two decades he held posts at the London School of Economics, Ahmadu Bello University (Nigeria) and the University of East Anglia, teaching, researching and consulting on various aspects of the economics and financing of education. During this period he lived in Nigeria, Papua New Guinea and India and also worked in Ghana, Zambia, Botswana, Egypt, Malaysia and the Caribbean. He joined the World Bank in 1994, working mainly on India and Nepal, and more recently Tanzania, Ethiopia and Nigeria; and was involved in project preparation and supervision in addition to analytic work and policy development. He has written and contributed to over a dozen books, published articles in many leading development journals and authored several country and thematic reports.
François Leclercq
Research Officer
E-mail: f.leclercq@unesco.org
Economist with a PhD on primary education in India from the University of Paris I (Sorbonne). Areas of research include household economics, the determinants of school participation and child labour, the functioning of schools, school reform and the returns to education.
Michelle Neuman
Special Advisor on Early Childhood Care and Education
Email: m.neuman@unesco.org
Michelle J. Neuman is an early childhood care and education (ECCE) specialist, who is working with the Global Monitoring Report Team on the special theme of the 2007 report. Between 1997 and 2001, Michelle was the Project Leader for the OECD Thematic Review of Early Childhood Education and Care Policy. She is the co-author (with John Bennett) of Starting Strong: Early Childhood Education and Care, a comparative analysis of 12 OECD countries. Michelle previously worked at the Yale Bush Center in Child Development and Social Policy and at the National Center for Children and Families, Teachers College, Columbia University. She is a graduate of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and a Ph.D. candidate in Politics & Education, focusing on early childhood policy in comparative perspective, at Teachers College, Columbia University.
Delphine Nsengimana
Team Assistant
Email: d.nsengimana@unesco.org
Ms Nsengimana has a law degree from University of Burundi. She has worked since 2002 as assistant to the director and office administrator in the EFA Global Monitoring Teamhandling travel, contracts and logistics. Before joining the Monitoring Team she worked as Attaché in the Burundi Embassy, then came to UNESCO where she has worked in Protocol and the Education Sector organizing international events.
Ulrika Peppler-Barry
Team Manager
E-mail: u.peppler@unesco.org
Ulrika Peppler Barry is the team manager for the EFA Global Monitoring Report. She coordinates the editorial process, translations, graphic design and Report production Her previous assignments include working in UNESCO’s Dakar follow-up unit where she was the focal point for the Working Group on EFA, and prior to that serving as Deputy Executive Secretary of the EFA Forum Secretariat, where she was the editor of the EFA Status and Trends Report. She was also responsible for coordinating invitations and programme management of the World Education Forum, Dakar, Senegal 2000. Earlier she worked for UNICEF as development educator and prior to that, as a history teacher in Sweden.
Paula Razquin
Policy Analyst
E-mail: p.razquin@unesco.org
Paula Razquin received a Ph.D. in international comparative education from Stanford University and holds an M.A. in sociology and an M.A. in international educational administration and policy analysis from the same university. Before joining the GMR team in February 2006, she was a RAND/Spencer postdoctoral fellow in education policy where she worked on an impact evaluation of the two parental choice provisions of the U.S. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. She has acted as the director of the master’s program in social sciences in education and assistant professor in education in international and comparative perspective at the Stanford University School of Education, and has consulted for The World Bank, Research Triangle Institute, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Organization of American States, and federal, state and local government agencies. Dr. Razquin has written about teacher salary scales and job satisfaction, and education policy documents and reports for countries such as Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Nigeria, Mexico and Equatorial Guinea.
Yusuf Sayed
Senior policy analyst
E-mail: y.sayed@unesco.org
Joined the GMR team in February 2006 from the UK Department for International Development where he was the Education and Skills Team Leader and Senior Education Adviser. Prior to that he was at the Centre for International Education, University of Sussex and the University of the Western Cape, South Africa where he was involved in teaching, research and consultancies on policy formulation and implementation strategies to achieve education for all. He has worked in a number of countries on education policy development including Ghana, Sri Lanka, India, Lesotho, and Uganda. He has authored and edited six books and has published numerous articles in leading education and development journals. He has worked extensively in education policy dialogues in South Africa since the ending of apartheid in 1994.
Former director: 2002, 2003/4 and 2005 Reports
Christopher Colclough
Christopher Colclough was the director of the 2002, 2003/4 and 2005 EFA Global Monitoring Reports. He is presently based at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, where he is Professorial Fellow in Economics. In January 2005, he became the inaugural Director of the Centre for Commonwealth Education and Professor of the Economics of Education, at the University of Cambridge.
Former team members
>Steve Packer
Joined the Global Monitoring Report in 2002 on secondment from the Department for International Development (UK), where he was working on educational policy and international assistance. Steve Packer was deputy director of the Report from 2002 to September 2005. He played an instrumental role in the development and writing of the first four editions of the report.
> Jan van Ravens (2002, 2003/4 and 2005 reports)
Jan van Ravens was a Senior Policy Analyst from September 2002 until December 2005. He contributed to the development of the first four reports and undertook preparatory work for the fifth report on early childhood care and education. Prior to joining the Team he headed the Department of Multilateral Affairs of the Netherlands Ministry of Education.
> Agneta Lind
Special Adviser on literacy for the 2006 report
> Jude Fransman (2005 and 2006 Reports)
> Ikuko Suzuki (2005 and 2006 Reports)
> Michelle Phillips (2006 Report)
> Edna Yahil (2006 Report)
> Riho Sakurai (intern, 2007 Report)
> Mariana Cifuentes (2002 and 2003/4 reports)
> Pascal Pinceau (2002 and 2003/4 reports)
> Carlos Aggio (2002, 2003/4 and 2005 reports)
For more information about the Report, please contact:
Cynthia Guttman
Communications Officer
E-mail: c.guttman@unesco.org
Tel: + 33 1 45 68 08 56
+33 1 45 68 21 28
Fax: +33 1 45 68 56 27
EFA Global Monitoring Report Team
7, place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07, France
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