Global Monitoring Reports |
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23 November : “Education for All: Quality Counts”, London 2004-11-24 8:00 am
This colloquium at the Institute of Education will introduce the Global Monitoring Report and examine current policy knowledge about educational quality. Participants will also identify ways to prioritise the quality of education for sustainable development.
17 - 18 November : During the Association for the Development of Education in Africa’s annual steering committee meeting, Kigali, Rwanda 2004-11-18 8:00 am
Anne-Thérèse Ndgong Jatta, director of UNESCO’s basic education division, will give a presentation on EFA in Africa, prepared by the Global Monitoring Report Team.
Global Action Week for Education
- On the occasion of Global Action Week, countries all over the world are mounting events and activities to draw attention to the importance of basic education, literacy, teachers and quality education for all. The Global Monitoring Report is a centerpiece in many of these festivities.
Report advertises three job openings
- The EFA Global Monitoring Report is recruiting one deputy director and senior policy analyst and two research officers. Applications for these time-limited contracts must be received by 30 June 2005. For more information on these positions, please see the attached job advertisement currently running in several major newspapers and magazines. Developing country nationals are encouraged to apply.
Canadian Civil Society Forum on EFA
- Canada is launching a global campaign for education alliance to spur greater civil society action and hold the government to account for its commitments on EFA.
Online consultion: an extra week!
- In response to several requests for more time, the Report's online consultation will be extended until March 31. As a reminder, the outline of the next edition focusing on literacy can be downloaded on this site, along with a summary of discussions of the past ten days.
Stanford University: CIES Conference
- With a program running over 100 pages, the Comparative International Education and Society is addressing a spectrum of challenges during its meeting at Stanford University from March 22 to 26, 2005.
French education experts gather to discuss report
- A roundtable debate gathering several eminent education and development experts will be held on 10 March at UNESCO in Paris to mark the release of the GMR's French edition. Among the guests: Claude Thélot, who presided a national debate on the future of schooling in France, Laurent Fontaine, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Claire Calosci, director of the French NGO Aide et Action. Christopher Colclough, director of the 2005 Report, will present the main findings.
EFA in the Washington spotlight
- The Center for Universal Education, USAID and the Basic Education Coalition are hosting a presentation and discussion on the GMR on March 1 (www.cfr.org ). The Center for Global Development is organizing a conference on girls' education (www.cgdev.org ). Keynote speakers include Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and Professor Jeffrey Sachs. The GMR will participate in a panel discussion at these two events as well as at Georgetown University on February 28 aimed at encouraging American scholars to take up EFA issues. On March 5, a Congressional Briefing organized by the Basic Education Coalition (www.basiced.org ) will highlight the Report's findings and key priorities for investment in education.
Millennium Project Releases Report
- January 27, 2005 - How can the international community reach the global goal of universal primary education and gender parity at all levels of education by 2015? The UN Millennium Project's task force report, "Toward Universal Primary Education: Investments, Incentives and Institutions", provides strategic recommendations for policy makers in developing countries and calls on the international community to live up to key commitments already made.
Keep Posted for E-Consultation
- January 14, 2005 - To capture a broad range of voices and concerns, the GMR will be organizing an electronic consultation on literacy, the central theme of its 2006 edition.
Please check this site for updates on the consultation to begin mid-March for a two-week period.