Financing Secondary Education in Developing Countries: Strategies for Sustainable Growth
by Keith Lewin and Françoise Caillods. This analysis shows that several developing countries will face acute problems in financing their secondary education expansion if present cost structures continue to prevail. The book develops several options for financing the development of secondary education. Available from UNESCO Publishing, 370 pages, 19.82 euros*.
The 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendation Concerning the Status of Teachers: What it is? Who should use it?
An 8-page brochure published jointly by UNESCO and the International Labour Organization (ILO) to popularize knowledge and use of the only international normative instrument covering the rights and responsibilities of the world's 60 million teachers.
Technical and Vocational Education and Training for the Twenty-first Century: UNESCO and ILO Recommendations.
This 68-page booklet presents two major policy statements by UNESCO and the International Labour Organization (ILO). UNESCO's concern is centred on technical and vocational education,while the ILO focuses on training for employment, decent work and the welfare of workers.
Using Assessment to Improve the Quality of Education
by Thomas Kellaghan and Vincent Greaney. National and international assessments provide information on whether students are acquiring appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes in school. This booklet describes the nature, models, and purposes of national assessments and how information derived from them has been used in various countries. (Fundamentals of Educational Planning, 71, IIEP) Available from UNESCO Publishing,98 pages, 12.20 euros*.
The Book: A World Transformed
edited by Eduardo Portella. This volume examines the role of books in different parts of the world and asks where the book goes from here. If absorbed into the web, will it go into extinction or find a new vitality? Seventeen authors - art historians, philosophers, psychoanalysts, essayists and a caricaturist - contributed to this book. Available from UNESCO Publishing, 188 pages, 21.34 euros*.
Learning Throughout Life: Challenges for the Twenty-first Century.
This book brings together the main issues discussed at the follow-up 1999 conference in Lisbon to the report Learning: The Treasure Within, prepared by the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Available from UNESCO Publishing, 160 pages, 14 euros*.
Elementary ICT Curriculum for Teacher Training.
This 76-page booklet provides guidelines on the different options available when using information and communication technologies (ICTs) in teacher training. One clear message is that pedagogy not technology, should be in the forefront when applying ICTs to teaching and learning. Available from the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE).
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Teacher Education Guidelines: Using Open and Distance Learning.
Education ministries and teacher-training colleges are called upon daily to make hard choices regarding how to expand teacher education through open and distance learning. How effective is it? What technologies should be used? At what cost? Answers to these questions can be found in this 68-page booklet.
Handbook on Career Counselling: A Practical Manual for Developing, Implementing and Assessing Career Counselling Services in Higher Education Settings
is a practical manual for higher education institutions wishing to start a areer counselling centre or strengthen their services to students in this area (UNESCO doc. ED-2002/WS/09).
High-level Group on Education for All.
This document presents the proceedings of the first meeting of the High-level Group on EFA, (UNESCO Paris, 29-30 October 2001). (UNESCO doc. ED-2002/WS/7).
International Expert Meeting on General Secondary Education in the Twenty-first Century: Trends, Challenges and Priorities.
Beijing, 21-25 May 2001. Final report. (UNESCO doc. ED-2001/WS/38).
Gender Equality in Basic Education in Latin America and the Caribbean
provides a general review of gender equality in basic education in the region. It argues for a more targeted approach to specific population groups.Available in English and Spanish.
Unless otherwise stated, all publications are available free of charge from UNESCO's Documentation and Information Service, Education Sector.
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