Inside the current issue JULY - SEPTEMBER 2005
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• Adult Learning and Poverty Reduction by Madhu Singh and Frank Youngman. This booklet looks at international, regional and national case studies, which reveal how poverty reduction through adult education can be an enabling process. Price 10.00€.
Available from UNESCO Institute for Education.
• All Equal in Diversity is the name of a new international campaign launched by UNESCO’s Associated Schools within the framework of the Transatlantic Slave Trade Education Project to mobilize schools against racism, discrimination and exclusion. The campaign kit contains guidelines, an evaluation form, stickers and a poster.
Online and on CD-ROM.
• Reading and Writing Poetry: the Recommendations of Noted Poets from Many Lands on the Teaching of Poetry in Secondary Schools. This booklet brings to methods of teaching poetry two important dimensions: the creative perspectives of fifty poets from twenty-five countries and the perspectives of different cultures regarding reading and writing poetry. Available in English, French and Spanish. and online
• Monitoring Educational Achievement by T. N. Postlethwaite. This book explains what monitoring educational achievement means, with concrete examples from national and international case studies. It also provides answers to questions regarding educational achievements, standards, costs and surveys. Fundamentals of Educational Planning series, 81, Available from UNESCO Publishing, Price: 12,20€;
• Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for Community Empowerment through Non-formal Education: experiences from Lao PDR, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Uzbekistan. This report presents country experiences and key findings, as well as lessons learned from the UNESCO’s ICT-Non-formal project launched by UNESCO’s Asia-Pacific Programme of Education for All (APPEAL). Published by UNESCO Bangkok.
• UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme Ten Years of Action: Case Studies. This booklet presents the sixteen UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs that received awards during the World Forum of UNESCO Chairs, (November 2002) to mark the programme’s 10th anniversary.
Available online
• Report on the Fourth Meeting of the High-Level Group on Education for All, Brasilia, Brazil (8-10 November 2004). This meeting focused on the quality of education, teachers and resource mobilization.
• Towards an AIDS-Free Generation - Briefs for Decision-makers. These briefs on the new Global Initiative on HIV/AIDS and Education provides information on how to plan, manage, improve and evaluate HIV/AIDS prevention education. This UNAIDS initiative, launched in 2004, aims to help governments implement comprehensive, nation-wide education programmes for young people. Published by the UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning (IIEP).
• Policy Review Report: Early childhood Care and Education in Indonesia (UNESCO doc. ED-2005/WS/5), and Early Childhood Care and Education in Kenya, (UNESCO doc. ED/2005/WS/13). Early Childhood and Family Policy Series, Nos. 10 and 11.
Available online:
• Implementing and Financing Education for All. This booklet summarizes the debates at the International Seminar on Financing and Implementing National Education Plans, (Korea, 17-21 September 2003). It focuses on the lessons learned from the experiences of the participating countries. Education Policies and Strategies, 6.
• The White Book of our Future, Egypt. In this booklet, produced in the framework of the white book of our future educational initiative launched by UNESCO and P.A.U. Education, Egyptian street children express themselves freely about their daily lives and how they imagine their future. The third in the series, after Mali and Honduras, it is available in English and Arabic.
• Exploring and Understanding Gender in Education: A Qualitative Manual for Education Practitioners and Gender Focal Points. This manual is about how to conduct qualitative research to promote gender equality in the classroom, the school and in the wider educational system. It provides the knowledge and tools to understand gender disparities in education, their causes, and how they can be overcome.
Available online
• Highland Children’s Education Project: A Pilot Project on Bilingual Education in Cambodia. This report documents the model of bilingual primary education provided for the Tampuen and Kreung ethnic minority groups in six remote villages in the northeastern province of Ratanakiri, Cambodia.
Available online
UNESCO and Sustainable Development. This brochure outlines UNESCO’s actions for sustainable development in its different fields of competence and provides examples of partnerships, country ownership and UNESCO actions linked to literacy, teachers, HIV/AIDS. |