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Related reports and articles
There are many important institutional and individual players working to advance the Education For All (EFA) agenda and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Institutional actors often publish major reports. We have selected a few reports that we feel are of greatest interest, and provide a link to them.
Individual actors are more likely to write articles than reports. Some of the most interesting of these are critiques of our very own Global Monitoring Report, while others may explore or expand on themes related to Education for All. The user will discover some of these articles here.
Finally, for a much longer list of institutions active in education, go to Education links
Related Reports
UNFPA State of the World Population 2005 Entitled The Promise of Equality: Gender, Reproductive Health and the MDGs, the 2005 report draws the conclusion that gender equality reduces poverty and saves and improves lives.
UNESCO/UIS/UNICEF report The 2005 Digest assesses the global expansion of opportunities in lower and upper secondary education. It focuses particularly on the key transition between primary and secondary schooling and looks at how access and progression through secondary education differs between girls and boys. The indicators allow performance to be compared across national boundaries.
UNDP Human Development Report Published annually since 1990, the Human Development Report is an independent report commissioned by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Its path-breaking analysis and policy recommendations have inspired the publication of national human development reports in more than 120 countries.
World Bank World Development Report The World Bank's annual World Development Report (WDR) is an invaluable guide to the economic, social and environmental state of the world today. Past reports have considered such topics as the role of the state, transition economies, labor, infrastructure, health, the environment, and poverty.
World Bank Global Monitoring Report Global Monitoring is an annual report that focuses on how the world is doing in implementing the policies and actions for achieving the MDGs and related development outcomes. It offers a framework for accountability in global development policy.
OECD Education at a Glance OECD Indicators ‘at a glance’ enable countries to see themselves in the light of other countries’ performance. It provides a rich, comparable and up-to-date array of indicators on the performance of education systems. These look at who participates in education, what is spent on it and how education systems operate, and at the results achieved.
ILO Global Employment Trends Changes in labour markets require constant monitoring so that appropriate policy interventions to support workers and businesses can be applied. The ILO’s annual Global Employment Trends publications provide some of the basic information needed to continue to improve and target policies for improving work environments.
UNESCO Regional EFA report: Africa (Pole de Dakar) Under the leadership of the UNESCO regional office for education in Africa, the ‘Pole de Dakar’ has produced a report on the state of education throughout Africa, five years after the Education for All forum in Dakar, 2000. Contains both analysis and a rich compilation of statistical data for 53 countries.
UIS Global Education Digest 2005 The2005 Digest assesses the global expansion of opportunities in lower and upper secondary education. It focuses particularly on the key transition between primary and secondary schooling and looks at how access and progression through secondary education differs between girls and boys. The indicators allow performance to be compared across national boundaries.
EPDC - Educating the World's Children: Patterns of Growth and Inequality Combining new data, analysis, and projections, the EPDC's report Educating the World's Children examines the patterns of past and future education growth as well as inequalities of school participation in 70 developing countries. Country graphs, maps and tables available. EPDC is funded by USAID and AED (Academy for Educational Development).
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