OCTOBER 5 World Teachers' Day Contact: r.halperin@unesco.org 17-18 Global Forum on International Quality Assurance, Accreditation and the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education. UNESCO Paris, France Contact: s.uvalic-trumbic@unesco.org 21-25 Workshop on Comprehensive SchoolHealth and Nutrition organized by UNESCO Asia Pacific Regional Bureau for Education and the UN World Food Programme. Chiang Mai, Thailand Contact: lc.gregorio@unescobkk.org or Judit-Katona-Apte@wfp.org 28-29 A Seminar on Ministerial Responsibility for Early Childhood organized by UNESCO Cambodia and the Cambodian National Commission for UNESCO Phnom Penh, Cambodia Contact: s.tey@memo.unesco.org 30-4 November International Sub-Regional Workshop on Information and Communication Technologies in Teacher Training in Central and Eastern Europe Kiev, Ukraine Contact: m.patru@unesco.org NOVEMBER 5-6 First American Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Education organized by UNESCO Santiago and the Latin American Parliament o São Paulo, Brazil Contact:machado@unesco.cl 6-9 European Regional Conference on Lifelong Learning in the Pursuit of EFA Goals and CONFINTEA V Agenda organized by the UNESCO Institute for Education (UIE), UNESCO Headquarters and the Bulgarian Ministry of Education Sofia, Bulgaria Contact: c.medel-anonvevo@unesco.org 13-15 World Forum of UNESCO Chairs o UNESCO Paris, France 14-15 Meeting of Ministers of Education of Latin America and the Caribbean organized by UNESCO Santiago Havana, Cuba Contact: machado@unesco.cl 19-20 2nd Meeting of the High-Level Group on EFA Abuja, Nigeria Contact: abh.singh@unesco.org DECEMBER 2-6 Eighth Conference of Ministers of Education of African Member States (MINEDAF VIII) Dar-es-Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania Contact: a.parsuramen@unesco.org 21-23 Secondary Education for a Better Future: Trends, Challenges and Priorities organized by Oman and UNESCO Muscat, Oman Contacts: moetosd@omantel.net.om or s.bahri@unesco.org |
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