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The Aladdin Project

Working for peace and mutual respect

The Aladdin Project

ALADIN is a well developed, defined and lasting follow-up initiative of CONFINTEA V (Fifth International Conference on Adult Education) in 1997. This global network was brought to life by the UNESCO Institute for Education (since July 2006 called UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning) and the efforts of many adult learning documentation and information centres.

The Aladdin Project has been supported by more than 1,000 intellectuals, academics and public figures from over 50 countries in the Middle East, Africa, Europe and North America.

A number of world leaders and international bodies, such as the European Union, have also declared their backing for the project.

ALADIN has a clear mandate of UNESCO, CONFINTEA V and the UIL Governing Board. Its various activities are co-ordinated by Lisa Krolak, Head of Documentation at the UIL in Hamburg, in close co-operation with the ALADIN Advisory Committee.

The ALADIN Advisory Committee consists of a maximum of ten active members, appointed by the ALADIN Co-ordinator, taking into consideration the need for regional, linguistic, gender and sectoral diversity. They try to meet once a year at different locations and are connected through regular e-mail contact. Serving as an advisory committee, they assist the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning in setting priorities in ALADIN`s work, assessing the activities carried out, and promoting ALADIN`s work in different regions of the world.




  • Auteur(s):UNESCO and Aladdin Project
  • Source:UNESCO and Aladdin Project
  • 15-04-2013
Europe and North America Latin America and the Caribbean Africa Arab States Asia Pacific