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UNESCO: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization




  • © UNESCO
  • Tombouctou

Mali joined the Organization on 7 November 1960. It is served by the UNESCO Cluster Office in Bamako.

In September 2007, Mali hosted UNESCO’s regional conference on literacy. Attended by ministers, experts and 11 African First Ladies, it reviewed the region’s main literacy challenges.

Mali cooperates with UNESCO in various activities. They include teacher training; education for HIV/Aids prevention, human rights and biodiversity; and preserving languages and cultural heritage.

Timbuktu was removed from the List of World Heritage in Danger thanks to improved safeguarding of the historic city. The Cultural Space of the Yaaral and Degal, proclaimed a Masterpiece of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2005, also benefits from preservation.

Europe and North America Latin America and the Caribbean Africa Arab States Asia Pacific