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UNESCO: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization




  • © UNESCO/Evan Schneider
  • An view of the tsunami-ravaged village of Kolhuvaariyaafushi, in the southwestern Mulaaku Atoll

Maldives joined UNESCO on 18 July 1980. The country is covered by the UNESCO Office in New Delhi, India.

The key challenge in Education for All in the Maldives is improving the quality of education, the main priority of the country’s National Development Plan for 2006-2010.

In the context of Education for Sustainable Development, the Maldives National Commission is engaged in developing a policy for “School Based Disaster Preparedness Education”.

Since June 2003, the Maldives has been an active partner in the cross-cutting project “Small Islands Voice” (SIV) promoting sustainable island life.

A National Orientation Workshop on Community Radio took place in Maldives in June 2007.This activity, first of its kind in Maldives, was organized with UNESCO by the Voice of Maldives (VOM) and the Ministry of Information and Arts.

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