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Mayangna Knowledge of the Interdependence of People and Nature: Fish and Turtles.

Just launched in Mayangna and Spanish language versions.

Mayangna Knowledge of the Interdependence of People and Nature: Fish and Turtles

[Conocimientos del Pueblo Mayangna sobre la Convivencia del Hombre y la Naturaleza: Peces y Tortugas]
Paule M Gros and Nacilio Miguel Frithz
Available in Spanish and Mayangna

The Central American tropical rainforest along the border between Nicaragua and Honduras has been the home of the indigenous Mayangna and Miskito for centuries. Through their livelihoods based on slash and burn agriculture, fishing and hunting, they have both shaped the local ecological system and sheltered it from destruction. Their knowledge about the local flora and fauna is extensive and in-depth. This 450 page book – divided into two volumes - captures in meticulous detail the breadth and depth of indigenous knowledge about the aquatic world. A wide range of information about the 30 fishes and six turtles that frequent Mayangna waterways are presented, weaving together empirical observations on behaviour, habitat, reproduction and migration patterns, with social commentaries on sharing, learning or harvesting, and cosmological reflections on human-animal relations and master spirits >> more

The national launch of the book on Mayangna knowledge, in its Mayangna and Spanish language versions, took place on 29 July 2010 at the Centro de Concocimiento in Managua, Nicaragua.

Climate Change and Arctic Sustainable DevelopmentClimate Change and Arctic Sustainable Development

The Arctic is undergoing rapid and dramatic environmental and social transformations due to climate change. This has ramifications for the entire planet, as change spreads through interconnected global networks that are environmental, cultural, economic and political. Today, with the major thrust of research shifting away from deciphering causes and monitoring trends, the central preoccupation of a growing circle of actors has become the exploration of strategies for responding and adapting to climate change. But to understand the far-reaching impacts of climate change and the complexities of adaptation, a truly interdisciplinary approach is required........ >>

For more information on this publication see here

To purchase this publication see here

JarawaThe Jarawa Tribal Reserve Dossier - Cultural & biological diversities in the Andaman Islands

One of the most distinctive, but relatively little known features of the Andaman Islands is an entity of land and sea called the Jarawa Tribal Reserve (JTR) – a space legally notified in the name and, arguably, the interests of the Jarawa tribal community. Until recently, the Jarawa were hostile to outsiders. As a result, those who might otherwise have exploited the resources of the reserve – poachers, settlers and developers – were denied access. However, the Jarawa have now chosen to cease hostilities, and the borders of the Jarawa Tribal Reserve have become permeable to intrusion, even though legally off limits to outsiders. The multiple changes that have ensued have enormous ramifications for both the Jarawa people and their lands. As much information relating to the Jarawa and the Reserve remains scattered and difficult to access, this Dossier has undertaken to bring together within the covers of one publication, information and views about the JTR emanating from a number of distinct disciplines. Indeed, one cannot comprehend the complex interactions between the biological and cultural diversity of this unique people and place without adopting an interdisciplinary perspective......... >> more


On the Frontlines of Climate Change
A forum for indigenous peoples, small islands and vulnerable communities.

Currently discussing the topic of Frozen pastures, starving herds... >> more


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