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The country is covered by the UNESCO Cluster Office in Cairo, in Egypt.
There are many areas of cooperation between UNESCO and Sudan, particularly in the environmental field. For instance the consequences of the draining of the Atbara basin, an international basin shared with Ethiopia and Eritrea, are co-managed by a UNESCO programme.
Below you can access the projects that are currently being implemented in the country within the framework of UNESCO’s Natural Sciences Sector.
- Hydrology for the Environment, Life and Policy (HELP) project in the Altbara basin More
- Nile Basin Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data (FRIEND/Nile Project)
- UNESCO Chair in Water Resources established in 1994 at Omdurman Islamic University More
People, Biodiversity and Ecology
- Great Apes Survival Project (GRASP)
- Biosphere Reserves (WNBRs)
- UNESCO Chair in Desertification, established in 2001 at the University of Khartoum More
- UNESCO-Cousteau Ecotechnie Chair, established in 2004 at the ComputerMan College For Computer Studies, Khartoum More
- UNESCO Chair on Marine Biology and Oceanography, established in 2006 at The Sudan Institute for Natural Sciences (SIFNS), Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Khartoum More