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UNESCO: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization


Sciences naturelles


United Republic of Tanzania

United Republic of Tanzania
  • © UNESCO/Nadine Saunier
  • The Serengeti-Ngorongoro biosphere reserve is renown for its large concentrations of wildlife

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The country hosts a UNESCO Cluster Office in Dar es Salaam, which covers Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, the Seychelles and the United Republic of Tanzania.

Tanzania is the initiator of the UNESCO Resolution proclaiming 2008 the International Year of Planet Earth. The country is very active in the fields of sustainable development, integrated management and conservation. It has several biosphere reserves, 2 of which are also World Heritage Sites.

UNESCO is helping to strengthen the capacity of an African Regional Centre for a Culture of Maintenance at the Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology.

Below you can access the projects that are currently being implemented in the country within the framework of UNESCO’s Natural Sciences Sector.



- Hydrology for the Environment, Life and Policy programme (HELP) project in the Greater Ruaha basin More

- Southern Africa Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data (SA FRIEND)

- Nile Basin Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data (FRIEND/Nile Project)

- Sustainable Integrated Management and Development of the Arid and Semi-Arid Region of Southern Africa programme (SIMDAS


People, Biodiversity and Ecology

- Sustainable Integrated Management and Development of the Arid and Semi-Arid Region of Southern Africa programme (SIMDAS)

- Great Apes Survival Project (GRASP)

- Biosphere Reserves (WNBRs)



- Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System programme (IOTWS)

- OceanData and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA)


Earth Sciences

- Pan-African Network for a Geoscience Information System (PANGIS)

- Geodynamics of the East African Rift System / Geophysical Characteristics and Evolution of the South-western Branch of the East African Rift System (IGCP, Project 482/489)

- Diamonds, xenoliths and kimberlites (IGCP, Project 557)


Coast and Small Islands

- Small Islands Voice newsletter More

Europe and North America Latin America and the Caribbean Africa Arab States Asia Pacific