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The Pacific Youth Festival
17-22 July 2006, Tahiti
This first regional youth meeting was attended by about 900 young participants from 25 countries and territories of the Pacific, who came together to share experience and promote their concerns and visions of how young Pacific islanders can take the lead in promoting positive change in their communities and make an impact on the agenda for regional development.

The six-day Festival comprised a series of conference sessions, seminars and youth-led workshops, structured around nine major themes of particular concern to young people and aimed at producing a Pacific Youth Charter that sets out young people’s priorities and recommendations for action in the region.


- Ministry of Youth and Culture of French Polynesia
- Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)
- Polynesian Union for Youth (Union Polynésienne pour la Jeunesse - UPJ)

UNESCO’s contribution to the Festival

In line with the recommendations of the 4th UNESCO Youth Forum (September 2005, Paris) (PDF), UNESCO took the lead in developing the theme of Education for Sustainable Development. An intersectoral team comprising colleagues from UNESCO/Apia, UNESCO/Bangkok and Headquarters was present throughout the event and responsible for the organization of two conference sessions and seven workshops and seminars highlighting priorities and approaches pertaining to Education for Sustainable Development, cultural diversity, national youth policies and communication and networking.

Additional workshops and skills-building sessions focused on UNESCO's 'Youth Visioning for Island Living' Initiative and provided an opportunity for young people to learn about the project and the possibility to submit own follow-up projects for start-up support through the 'Youth Visioning' Project Fund.

UNESCO also organized a seminar on Multimedia Youth Information Centres which aimed at exploring young people’s needs and ideas with a view to developing such a centre in the region. As a follow-up to this session, a network of young people committed to elaborating a project proposal for submission to UNESCO was established.

The UNESCO team equally organized an information stand and provided technical assistance to the Drafting Committee responsible for the development of the Pacific Youth Charter (PDF). The Charter, adopted at the final day of the event, reflects the wealth of discussions held and highlights a shared vision of young people for the development of the region. All delegations committed to further developing the Declaration in order to meet the specific needs and aspirations of young people at the national level.

What’s next?

In the follow-up to the Festival, UNESCO will encourage the further development of communication networks between young people in the Pacific and support concrete youth-led follow-up initiatives pertaining to the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development and the three different themes of the ‘Youth Visioning for Island Living’ initiative .

See also
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