UNESCO listens to youth: Sixth Youth Forum in Paris, 1 to 3 October |
On the eve of the opening of the 35th General Conference of UNESCO, 128 young people from 89 countries and some 84 observers representing 68 organizations took part in the 6th UNESCO Youth Forum in Paris, which was held from 1 to 3 October at UNESCO. This year’s theme was “Investing out of the crisis: towards a partnership between UNESCO and youth organizations”. |
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Designated by their country for their involvement in youth-related activities, the 128 Delegates, aged between 18 and 24, discussed the possibilities for States to invest in the development of youth in order to emerge from the crisis, a theme that is also at the heart of the debates during UNESCO’s 35th General Conference.
Opened by Pierre Sané, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences, the 6th UNESCO Youth Forum was closed by Olabiyi Babalola Joseph Yaï, Chairman of the Organization’s Executive Board, and the Director-General of UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura.
Observers representing 68 youth organizations, NGOs as well as United Nations agencies, signed up to participate in this meeting, which included plenary and parallel sessions. A first plenary session was devoted to the Forum’s main theme and followed by a parallel session on UNESCO’s fields of action. A second plenary session focused on ways to reinforce young people’s participation in UNESCO’s Forum.
The last day concentrated on the adoption of a report that will be presented by two young Delegates to the 193 UNESCO Member States during the 35th General Conference of the Organization, which will be held from 3 to 23 October.
Among the new elements introduced during this 6th edition, two on-line dialogue processes were set up before the Forum, which allowed a large number of young people to contribute to preparing the debates. In addition, five young journalists, one from each region of the world, covered the meeting.
Launched in 1999, the UNESCO Youth Forum marked its 10th anniversary this year. Every two years it brings together young people from around the world to share their experiences and common concerns and make themselves heard by submitting recommendations directly to the 193 Member States of the Organization, during the General Conference, of which it is an integral part.
U-TH Newsletter - Voice of the 6th UNESCO Youth Forum- Issue 1, Thursday 1 October 2009 [PDF, 252 KB]
- Issue 2, Friday 2 October 2009 [PDF, 282 KB]
- Issue 3, Saturday 3 October 2009 [PDF, 615 KB]
- Issue 4, Sunday 4 October 2009 [PDF, 332 KB]
Contact: youth@unesco.org
Photo: Youth Delegates voting during the election of the Drafting Committee of the 6th UNESCO Youth Forum © UNESCO / D. Coulomb
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UNESCOPRESS - Media Advisory No. 2009 - 53 |
Publication Date |
26-09-2009 |
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