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Call for Papers - ISSJ N° 206 - The Political Anthropology of the Global
The International Social Science Journal
The International Social Science Journal invites contributions for an upcoming volume on The Political Anthropology of the Global. This issue of the ISSJ seeks to explore how power and authority are constructed and conceived of against the backdrop of Empire and the Global. Eschewing normative political science in favour of a more experimental and fluid paradigm, we welcome contributions from both theoretical and ethnographic perspectives that touch on the intersection of power, ritual, religion, ideology, and political processes as they mutate in the fluxes of the global.

Of particular interest are issues concerning:
  1. Consumption
  2. Collective Memory
  3. Solidarity, Sociality, Citizenship
  4. Political Rituals
  5. Space, Time, Body
  6. Cities and Urbanism
Of equal interest will be contributions that re-appraise the political anthropological tradition and recast the work of its great proponents (Evans-Pritchard, Balandier, Clastres, Gluckman, Asad etc.) in new and illuminating ways. In addition, ethnographic considerations and contributions from “regional perspectives” are also welcomed.

Please send abstracts and queries to S. Romi Mukherjee by 15 February 2010. Final articles expected for July 2010. E-mail: s.mukherjee@unesco.org

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