Guidelines for Contributors |
1) General points
2) Length of manuscripts
3) Style
4) Technical details of presentation
1) General points for contributors
In line with the profile of the Journal, articles should be appealing and accessible to those not specialised in their particular subjects. Excessive technicality, jargon and mehodological protocol are to be avoided in favour of direct, clear language. Controversial ideas or doctrines should, as far as possible, be discussed in a positive manner, and in such a way as to avoid the imputation of ulterior motives to those who hold different views.
Texts should not contain passages likely to cause offence to Member States of UNESCO and should not impair the spirit of international understanding and cooperation.
2) Length of manuscripts
Manuscripts should not exceed 8,000 words (2,000 words for book reviews). This includes all notes, tables, graphics and references. It is a ceiling, not a target. Authors whose articles risk exceeding these limits should consult the editor before submission. Full-length articles should be accompanied by a 150-word abstract and a 100-word biographical note.
3) Style
Title: should be clear and informative, without straining for literary effect or allusion. Not too long (should fit into one line), without quotation marks within it, preferably no question marks, and preferably without subtitle.
Notes: should not be multiplied unreasonably. It is generally possible and often preferable to integrate elegantly much note material (and indeed, sometimes all of it) as asides in the text itself. When used, notes should be numbered consecutively, called at the appropriate point of the text, and presented in numerical order at the bottom of the page (not at the end of the text).
Acknowledgements: if any, they should be placed in a note, marked by an asterisk rather than a numeral, at the bottom of the first page, and called from the author’s name or article title.
References: given the profile of the Journal, in general authors should not seek to compile comprehensive reference lists. The references should be restricted to those which are really useful to the readers or necessary for authentification. In any case if not cited expressly in the article they should not appear in the list. Normally, the list should not exceed 25 items.
Bibliographical details: should be complete and correct. Reference calls should follow Style B of the Chicago Style Manual, e.g. (Adam 1987) or with a page number (Adam 1987: 612). The references should be gathered at the end of the article (not at the foot of each page), in the following form for articles:
Arjomand, S. A. 1989. "The Emergence of Islamic Political Ideologies". In:
J.A. Beckford and T. Luckmann, ed., The Changing Face of Religion (SAGE Studies in International Sociology 37), London: Sage Publications.
Beyer, P. 1998. "Globalizing Systems, Global Cultural Models and Religion(s)". International Sociology 13 (1): 79-94.
The following form for books:
Casanova, J. 1994. Public Religions in the Modern World. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
Before submitting the article the author is requested to double-check that each reference called in the text does in fact appear in the list of references (and conversely) and that the date of publication and spelling of the author's name are correct in both call and reference list.
Quotations: should be as few as possible and should not exceed one paragraph in length. Any quotation made in translation must be accompanied by the original language version.
Spelling: please use English rather than American spelling (e.g. labour, centre, through).
Emphasis: avoid excessive use of emphasis (too much emphasis destroys its effect).
Formatting: 12 point type in Times New Roman with standard margins at one-and-a-half line spacing; one extra space between paragraphs; do not indent paragraphs; emphasis and foreign words in italics; title and headings in bold; subheadings in italic underlined, but try to avoid multiple layers of subheadings.
Tables: should not be multiplied beyond necessity. They should always be clear and unambiguous, and free from corrections. None should require more than one page and each should carry a number, a caption and a source. Footnotes should not be attached to figures or tables; such information should be incorporated into the caption of the table.
4) Technical details of presentation
The preferred mode of submission for manuscripts is as an email attachment (readable by Word for Windows) and addressed to the editor (alex@mmg.mpg.de). If this is not possible, a diskette may be accepted. Normally, hardcopy is not necessary.
Manuscripts are edited by the editorial office to be published as pdf-files on the Internet.
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