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“The erosion of biodiversity is as big a global challenge as climate change,” cautions Irina Bokova
UNESCO commemorates victims of the Holocaust
Director-General condemns the murder of Mexican journalist José Luis Romero
Intangible heritage: helping heal disaster victims
Preserving biodiversity: a vital challenge
International Year highlights the vital importance of biodiversity
Financial crisis threatens to set back education worldwide, UNESCO report warns
UNESCO Director-General deplores the death of British journalist Rupert Hamer in Afghanistan
Iraqi calligrapher Ghani Alani and Polish publisher Anna Parzymies share 2009 Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture
UNESCO organizing two events to launch International Year of Biodiversity
UNESCO Director-General appeals for emergency aid for Haiti
Director-General Irina Bokova expresses concern and pledges UNESCO’s support for Haiti earthquake victims
Financial crisis threatens to set back education worldwide, UNESCO report warns
UNESCO Director-General condemns killing of Bulgarian journalist Bobi Tsankov
UNESCO Director-General expresses her profound sadness at the death of Philippe Séguin
UNESCO Director-General condemns killing of Canadian journalist and kidnapping of two French television journalists in Afghanistan
Director-General pays tribute to artist Paul Ahyi, UNESCO Artist for Peace
Director-General condemns murderous attack on Peshawar Press Club
Director-General Irina Bokova condemns murder of Kyrgyz journalist Gennady Pavlyuk
Director-General condemns murder of Turkish journalist Cihan Hayirsevener
Director-General condemns killing of Colombian journalist Harold Humberto Rivas Quevedo
Director-General condemns assassination of Brazilian radio host José Givonaldo Vieira
Director General presents UNESCO climate change initiative at Copenhagen Conference
Professor Renzong Qiu to receive 2009 Avicenna Prize for Ethics in Science at UNESCO
International Network of Women Philosophers holds its First Assembly at UNESCO
Irina Bokova makes official visit to Kuwait
UNESCO and ICANN sign partnership agreement to promote linguistic diversity on internet
Director-General pays tribute to musician Jean Serge Essous, UNESCO Artist for Peace
International Conference on Adult Education closes with a call to move from rhetoric to action
UNESCO Director-General condemns bombing attack in Somalia
UNESCO saddened by loss of Goodwill Ambassador Professor Ikuo Hirayama
Google and UNESCO announce alliance to provide virtual visits of several World Heritage sites
Adult Education conference seeks to make lifelong learning a reality for all
UNESCO and Sidaction will participate in Lights for Rights operation to underscore efforts to stop HIV and AIDS
UNESCO Director-General urges full investigation into Philippines massacre
Rector of Moscow Institute of Open Education and Jordan’s Ministry of Information and Communications Technology to receive 2009 UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize
Underwater Heritage: Second Meeting of States Parties to be held in Paris
Sixth Conference on Adult Education in early December in Belem (Brazil): what strategies and resources for lifelong learning?
Eleonora Mitrofanova (Russian Federation) elected Chairperson of UNESCO’s Executive Board
Number of researchers in developing countries is rising, according to UNESCO study, but women researchers still a minority
UNESCO Future Forum will explore new approaches to science education
UNESCO conference and exhibition put the spotlight on street children
Irina Bokova takes office: Message
Director-General condemns murder of Mexican journalist Vladimir Antuna García and calls for investigation
Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence award ceremony on 16 November
Too many walls remain, says UNESCO Director-General elect on Berlin Wall anniversary
World Philosophy Day 2009
Three UNESCO scientific prizes awarded during World Science Forum
Statement by Irina Bokova, Director-General Elect of UNESCO