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Non-governmental organizations (NGO)



African Council for Communication Education (ACCE)
African Council for Communication Education (ACCE)
ACCE is a scholarly and professional Pan African organization charged with the responsibility of promoting journalism, development of communication resources in Africa and creating awareness among African policy makers and planners on the role of communication in national development.
Alliance of Independent Press Councils of Europe (AIPCE)
Alliance of Independent Press Councils of Europe (AIPCE)
The Alliance is a loose network of independent content regulators for both press and broadcast media.
Art Education for the Blind / Art Beyond Sight Network
Art Education for the Blind / Art Beyond Sight Network
Coordinated by Art Education for the Blind, Inc., Art Beyond Sight Collaborative is dedicated to making the visual arts play a vital role in the lives of people who are blind and visually impaired.
Article 19
Article 19
Named after Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19 works worldwide to combat censorship by promoting freedom of expression and access to official information.
Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU)
Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU)
ABU is a non-profit, non-government, professional association of broadcasting organisations, formed in 1964 to facilitate the development of broadcasting in the Asia-Pacific region and to organise co-operative activities amongst its members.
Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC)
Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC)
AMIC is a non-profit NGO with the mission of spearheading the development of media and communication expertise in Asia within the broad framework of economic, social, and cultural progress.
Association for the promotion of the international press distribution (Distripress)
Association for the promotion of the international press distribution (Distripress)
Distripress makes and supports international contacts – to exchange experiences with trends and difficulties in press distribution and in order to find common solutions for the distribution and marketing of publications on the international market.
Association of European Journalists (AEJ)
Association of European Journalists (AEJ)
Across Europe, the AEJ brings together individual journalists through their membership of the national sections. The AEJ was set up in 1961 in the then six EEC-countries and was founded by 70 journalists, convinced by the need for European integration in a democratic way who believed in the potential of journalism to promote European harmony.
Canadian Center for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI)
Canadian Center for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI)
CECI fights poverty and exclusion; it strengthens the development capacity of disadvantaged communities; it supports initiatives for peace, human rights and equity; it mobilizes resources and promotes the exchange of know-how.
Co-ordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS)
Co-ordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS)
CCIV is an international non-governmental organisation which promotes peace, development and human rights through development and co-ordination of national and international voluntary service.
Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)
Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)
CPJ is an independent, nonprofit organization founded in 1981. It promotes press freedom worldwide by defending the rights of journalists to report the news without fear of reprisal.
Commonwealth Press Union (CPU)
Commonwealth Press Union (CPU)
The Commonwealth Press Union is an association whose members are newspaper groups (some with several hundred newspapers), newspapers and news agencies in 49 countries of the Commonwealth.
Development innovations and networks (IRED)
Development innovations and networks (IRED)
IRED is an international network of local networks, peasant and urban groups, associations of handicraftsmen, women, cooperatives, NGOs etc., who are eager to collaborate in order to break out of their state of isolation and constitute an organised force to bring about change.
European Broadcasting Union (EBU)
European Broadcasting Union (EBU)
EBU is the largest association of national broadcasters in the world. It promotes cooperation between broadcasters and facilitate the exchange of audiovisual content. EBU works to ensure that the crucial role of public service broadcasters is recognised and taken into consideration by decision-makers.
French-Speaking Radio and Television International Council (CIRTEF)
French-Speaking Radio and Television International Council (CIRTEF)
After an international colloquium organized in Montreal in June 1977, which was attended by representatives of 34 radio and TV channels broadcasting in French, the delegates unanimously decided to create a French-Speaking Radio and Television International Council (CIRTEF).
Human Rights Watch (HRW)
Human Rights Watch (HRW)
Human Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world. It is an independent, nongovernmental organization, supported by contributions from private individuals and foundations worldwide.
Ibero-American Television Organization (OTI)
Ibero-American Television Organization (OTI)
The OTI mission is to promote, maintain and further relationships among organizations and television broadcasters from Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries, and to implement as many actions as necessary to their best development.
Institute for War & Peace Reporting (IWPR)
Institute for War & Peace Reporting (IWPR)
IWPR strengthens local journalism in areas of conflict. By training reporters, facilitating dialogue and providing reliable information, it supports peace, democracy and development in societies undergoing crisis and change.
Institute of Political Studies
Institute of Political Studies "S. Pio V"
The objective of the Institute of Political Studies “S. Pio V”, based in Rome, is to promote and encourage, in Italy and other countries, economic and human studies, particularly the history of politics, linguistics and issues of the contemporary society.
Inter American Press Association  (IAPA)
Inter American Press Association (IAPA)
The Inter American Press Association is a nonprofit organization devoted to defending freedom of speech and freedom of the press in the Americas.
International Council on Archives (ICA)
International Council on Archives (ICA)
The mission of ICA is to promote the preservation and use of archives around the world. In pursuing this mission, ICA works for the protection and enhancement of the memory of the world and to improve communication while respecting cultural diversity.
International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
The IFJ promotes international action to defend press freedom and social justice through strong, free and independent trade unions of journalists.
International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX)
International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX)
This service allows you to access accurate and up-to-date information on freedom of expression issues and abuses.
International Media Support (IMS)
International Media Support (IMS)
IMS supports local media in countries affected by armed conflict, human insecurity and political transition. Today, IMS activities cover three thematic areas of engagement: media and conflict, media and democracy, and media and dialogue.
International News Safety Institute (INSI)
International News Safety Institute (INSI)
INSI is a non-governmental organisation dedicated to the safety of journalists and media staff and committed to fighting the persecution of journalists everywhere.
Internews is an international media development organization whose mission is to empower people worldwide with the news and information they need, the ability to connect, and the means to make their voices heard.
Las Otras Voces
Las Otras Voces
Las Otras Voces is a Latin-American NGO, based in Argentina, which aims at promoting communication rights among young people and children. In the partnership with UNESCO, it implements the project on Youth, media and AIDS prevention.
World Association of Newspapers (WAN)
World Association of Newspapers (WAN)
Founded in 1948, the World Association of Newspapers groups 76 national newspaper associations, individual newspaper executives in 102 nations, 10 news agencies, and 10 regional press organisations. It is a non-profit, non-government organisation.
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