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UNESCO with its unique mandate to promote the free exchange of ideas and knowledge has played a key role in WSIS. UNESCO’s contribution incorporated the ethical, legal and sociocultural dimensions of the Information Society and helped to grasp the opportunities offered by the ICTs by placing the individual at its centre.


UNESCO with its unique mandate to promote the free exchange of ideas and knowledge has played a key role in WSIS. UNESCO’s contribution incorporated the ethical, legal and sociocultural dimensions of the Information Society and helped to grasp the opportunities offered by the ICTs by placing the individual at its centre.
UNESCO plays its threefold role in the post-WSIS process as coordinator, facilitator and implementer:

  • Coodinator: UNESCO (with ITU & UNDP),coordinates overall implementation process including United Nations Group on the Information Society (UNGIS) and the WSIS Forum;

  • Facilitator: UNESCO facilitates the implementation of specific areas of work;

  • Implementor: UNESCO implements its programmes and initiatives that contribute to the achievements of WSIS goals.

  • WSIS Forum 2010

    At the WSIS Forum 2010 held on 10-14 May, UNESCO organized a high-level debate on social networking and two thematic workshops focusing on gender and indigenous people in the Information Society.

    UNESCO was also responsible for the following Action Line facilitating meetings:

    In addition, Final Executive Briefing Draft of the Forum
    (Version 1.1) covers all events organized during the Forum.

    Videos from the WSIS Forum
    WSIS FORUM 2010: Day 1 Highlights
    Ms Irina Bokova - Statement to WSIS Forum 2010 (Geneva)

    WSIS Follow-up community platform

    Purpose of the platform is to facilitate information gathering and exchange, and common development of ideas and projects among the multi-stakeholder team for each Action Line through collaborative and community oriented online tools. >> Visit the platform

  • 28-06-2011 (Paris) 
    Call for contributions: UNESCO to co-lead WSIS +10 Preparatory Process
  • 23-05-2011 (Geneva) 
    WSIS Forum 2011: UNESCO’s Janis Karklins reiterates importance of ICT for knowledge societies
  • 18-05-2011 (Geneva) 
    UNESCO launches second edition of legal survey on public service broadcasting
  • 17-05-2011 (Geneva) 
    UNESCO hosts High Level Debate on Right to Communication at WSIS Forum 2011
  • 16-05-2011 (Geneva) 
    Briefing session on World Press Freedom Day at WSIS Forum 2011
  • 16-05-2011 (Geneva) 
    UNESCO organizes meeting on media regulation at WSIS Forum 2011
  • 06-05-2011 (Paris) 
    WSIS online debate: More research on impact of mobile phones for development needed
  • 29-04-2011 (Paris) 
    WSIS Forum 2011: UNESCO strongly highlights the potentials of ICTs for building inclusive, open and diverse Knowledge Societies
  • 07-04-2011 (Paris) 
    UNESCO calls for participation in online debate on mobile phone for development
  • 22-10-2010 (Paris) 
    Open consultation on WSIS Forum 2011: Call for participation
  • 10-09-2010 (Vilnius) 
    Access, diversity, and freedom of expression: UNESCO at Internet Governance Forum
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