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UNESCO to sit on Strategic Council of Global Alliance for ICT and Development to meet next Week in Malaysia
UNESCO, represented by its Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information, Abdul Waheed Khan, will part of the 60 seat Strategic Council of the Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Development that will be launched next week in Kuala Lumpur.


UNESCO to sit on Strategic Council of Global Alliance for ICT and Development to meet next Week in Malaysia

12-06-2006 (New York/Paris)
UNESCO to sit on Strategic Council of Global Alliance for ICT and Development to meet next Week in Malaysia
Intel's Craig Barrett,
Chair of Global Alliance
UNESCO, represented by its Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information, Abdul Waheed Khan, will part of the 60 seat Strategic Council of the Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Development that will be launched next week in Kuala Lumpur.
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan recently approved the launch of the Global Alliance, an open multi-stakeholder platform that will promote effective use of ICT in activities aimed at achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.

The Strategy Council, comprising 60 members representing Governments and non-governmental stakeholders - civil society, the private sector, international organizations, media, academia, youth and women's groups and others - will provide overall strategic guidance to the Alliance, in particular by identifying priorities and themes to be addressed.

The first Chairman of the Alliance will be Craig Barrett, Chairman of the Board of Intel Corporation. “We are honoured and pleased to have Dr. Barrett as Chairman of the Global Alliance for ICT and Development”, said José Antonio Ocampo, UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs,. “He has played a critical leadership role in advancing the objectives of the World Summit on the Information Society and in helping to promote a transforming vision for a universal and inclusive information society. His global reputation as a technology ambassador for education and economic development will help unite Governments, international organizations, civil society and business leaders in addressing the role of technology in advancing the Millennium Development Goals.”
Dr. Barrett is a leading advocate for improving education around the world and a vocal spokesman for the value technology can provide in raising social and economic standards globally. He participated actively in the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).

“It’s time to turn the spirit of UN WSIS into action”, stated Dr. Barrett, upon accepting the invitation to become the first Chairman of the Global Alliance for ICT and Development. “The ICT industry has an opportunity to build from its history of creativity and innovation to further contribute to economic and social development. The Global Alliance for ICT and Development has an exciting challenge to define solutions that will bring technology access, economic growth, and educational opportunity to people around the world. I am honoured to be part of this effort.”


The inaugural meeting of the Global Alliance for ICT and Development will be held on 19-20 June in Kuala Lumpur at the invitation of the Government of Malaysia. The Deputy Secretary-General, Mark Malloch Brown, will inaugurate the Alliance on behalf of the United Nations.

Executive direction to the work of the Alliance and its secretariat will be provided by a small multi-stakeholder Steering Committee, chaired by Dr. Barrett. The Strategy Council, comprising 60 members representing Governments and non-governmental stakeholders –- civil society, the private sector, international organizations, media, academia, youth and women’s groups and others -– will provide overall strategic guidance to the Alliance, in particular by identifying priorities and themes to be addressed.

The composition of the Strategy Council reflects the Alliance’s aim significantly to expand the circle of participants in policy debate and partnership building beyond the traditional set of stakeholders, by actively engaging constituencies that currently are not adequately engaged, particularly non-governmental participants from developing countries, media, academia, youth and women’s groups. To this end, innovative ways of building a pool of candidates were explored: private sector and civil society associations –- the International Chamber of Commerce and the Conference of NGOs -– were invited to present their lists of candidates, and an open call for nominations was placed on the website of the United Nations ICT Task Force.

As a result, more than 250 candidates were nominated. Members of the initial Strategy Council for the first year were designated on behalf of the Secretary-General, bearing in mind the need to ensure stakeholder, geographical, institutional and gender balances. The Strategy Council includes representatives of 30 Governments that have expressed their interest to participate in the Alliance, and an equal number of non-governmental members representing diverse stakeholder communities.

For policy and expert advice, the Strategy Council and the Steering Committee will be able to draw upon a group of high-level advisers. In building its activities, the Alliance will rely on a broad group of activists, experts and practitioners in promoting development through the use of ICT who will form a Champions Networkof the Global Alliance.

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