Al-Amin Yusuph Cluster countries: Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Tanzania |
UNESCO Contacts |
Full Name | Al-Amin Yusuph |
First Name | Yusuph |
Last Name | Al Amin |
Short Description | Cluster countries: Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Tanzania | | |
Position | National Programme Specialist, Dar Es Salam Cluster Office |
Street | Oyster bay, Uganda Avenue Plot No 197 A |
City | Dar es Salaam |
Postal Code | P.O.Box 31473 |
Country | United Republic of Tanzania |
Phone Work | +255 22 26 66 623 |
Fax | +255 22 26 66 927 |
Keywords | Yusuph Al Amin |
Geography Keywords | Dar es Salaam Tanzania Africa |
Photo | shadow_man_en.gif |
UNESCO CI Posts | National Programme Specialist |
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