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UNESCO to assist in production of films for UN's "21st Century" News Magazine
Four proposals for film production for the United Nations Television magazine ”21st CENTURY”, a series of news-shows putting a spotlight on the world’s most underreported stories, were recently selected by UNESCO and UN's Department of Public Information (UNDPI).


UNESCO to assist in production of films for UN's "21st Century" News Magazine

24-01-2007 (Paris)
UNESCO to assist in production of films for UN's
ICT@PSB Project, Cualquier Ciudad,
Colombia, 2006
© John Jairo de los Rios
Four proposals for film production for the United Nations Television magazine ”21st CENTURY”, a series of news-shows putting a spotlight on the world’s most underreported stories, were recently selected by UNESCO and UN's Department of Public Information (UNDPI).
The proposals selected are:

  • Hotel Sahara (Niger) In Agadez, Niger, Hotel Sahara is becoming a short or long term stopping place for thousands of migrants hoping to reach Europe in a risky travel through the desert. Proposal 17.

  • The Flow of Knowledge: Education for Bede River Gypsies (Bangladesh) The story examines the constant mobility of the Bede community and its consequences on Bede’s children education. Proposal 24.

  • The Untouchables (India) The Koraga Community in Coastal Karnataka, South India, termed as untouchable community that thrives on the food leftovers thrown at them, gets assimilated into the mainstream society. Proposal 9.

  • L’Education des filles en mal face à la persistance des mariages précoces (Burkina Faso/CIRTEF) A woman who decided to follow a lesson meant for adult in a literacy center and of her daughter who has the chance to go to school. Through their story, we discover their life and the life of the community which does not give importance to girls’ education. Proposal 53.

  • The call for proposals came within the framework of UNESCO’s Project “Harnessing ICTs for the audiovisual industry and public service broadcasting in developing countries”.

    This project aims at putting ICTs to the use of media content development on major societal and development issues such as human rights, peace, tolerance and the fight against discrimination by providing developing countries with training, production and distribution opportunities in these areas.

    More than 70 proposals were received from some 30 countries. The selection was based on the analysis of the audiovisual treatment proposed for the main themes to be addressed (Human Rights; Peace; Tolerance; Fight against discrimination, based on race, gender or other issues such as HIV/AIDS status; Millennium Development Goals, particularly poverty-alleviation and gender equality and women empowerment; Freedom of Expression; and Intercultural communication); as well as on other considerations, such as the knowledge of the subject, the innovative aspect of the proposal and the geographical balance.

    After an in-depth evaluation of proposals, UNESCO and UN/DPI are pleased to announce the selection of the following projects:

    “The proposals received were, in general, of a high quality. Apart from the selection currently announced, UNESCO may re-launch the call to cover non-represented regions, such as Latin America. Some non-selected proposals may be considered within the context of other on-going projects. Should further opportunities for funding arise, producers will be informed accordingly and on an individual basis.”, explains UNESCO project manager Rosa Gonzalez.

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          · Bangladesh
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          · Creative Content: News Archives 2007

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